Chapter 2

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Emmi's POV

After this mysterious man shot Daddy, I was crying hysterically. He heard me and slapped me.

"Quiet! Or else you'll feel worse." I stopped crying as he dragged me into a trunk.

He shut it and drove off somewhere. I was really worried and scared. What if he's going to kill me? What if Mommy and Daddy never find me?

The car stopped. He opened the trunk and another man with another child was next to him.

"I've got Emmi Butler. Who do you have?" The man who kidnapped me said. (Lets say his name is MWKE, Man Who Kidnapped Emmi, for now since his name won't revealed for while.)

He grabbed me by the ear and made me stand up. "I've got Avia Butler" Wait. Avia?!

They both pushed us into an old house and threw us into a room, no windows, no furniture, nothing but plain white walls and light on the ceiling.

MWKE turned on the light. "Alright, my name's Jeff "(LOL) MWKE had said. "And my name is Dan. You guys are going to be working for us." Avia's kidnapper told us.

They told us if we don't listen we get beat.

Avia's POV

After Jeff and Dan left Emmi and I hugged. "I'll get us out of here. But you need to stay strong and don't loose hope on anyone or anything"

"Okay Avia. I love you"

"Love you too Emmi."

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