Chapter 16

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Emmi's POV

"Emmi, you can tell me anything, okay? So what did this guy do to you and your sister?" Officer Elizabeth showed me a picture of Dan.

I stared at the picture. "Three years ago he kidnapped me and Avia. He had a helper, named Jeff. Dan would beat us and feed us once a day. One day Jeff came into the room they held us captured at. Avia and I thought he was going to hurt us. But really he helped us escape." I stopped for a moment, wiping my tears.

I continued. "A few days later he sent our family threats by email. He said if we told the cops we all die. Then yesterday, Avia came home with her boyfriend. The truth was he was working for Dan. His name was Lucas."

[ Skip to when she's done explaining ]

"And that's how we end up here." Officer Liz took notes about everything I said.

She continued writing while I looked around the room. Creepy.
"Alright Ms. Butler. You may go back to your family." I got up and left. Mom was waiting for me by the door.

"Are you okay?" She asked me. I nodded and smiled.

Avia's POV

Mom and Emmi came back and an officer called me, Gavin, and Brock.

Can I do the rest later?

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