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TW: Smoking action.

It was 3 in the morning. Chuuya returned home after he was at the bar the whole night, it was his day off. He entered his apartment almost falling over, Mami was sleeping on the couch he smiled at that and walked to the cabinet to grab Mami's food and placed it in her bowl. From hearing the sound of cat biscuits falling into the bowl Mami got up and rushed to her food eating it. Chuuya yawned and sat down on the couch.

He was staring into nothingness but his mind was picturing the Mafioso for some reason. Chuuya rubbed his eyes trying to stop thinking about the mafioso. But he kept thinking about that night, it was the best sex Chuuya ever had in his life, he wishes he could go back and get a second chance to do it again.

From all the thinking Chuuya sighed and got up from the couch and decided to go on a walk.


It was 3 in the morning Dazai was in a bar trying to hook up with someone. But he wasn't into anyone knowing he wouldn't get the same pleasure like from that night he had with the random guy. He left the bar after not hooking up with anyone and decided to take a walk in the cold night off Yokohama and he knew where he was going to go.


Chuuya had been walking for about an hour till he reached the bridge. He went down some steps and he was now under the bridge sitting on the ground. He pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lit one up. As he exhaled the smoke he heard someone approaching.

"Well i had a feeling i wasn't going to be alone here. Hello Mr. Detective Dwarth" Dazai said in a chicky tone as he approached the small one.

"Well isn't it the shit head, what are you doing here?" Chuuya said pulling out the cigarette.

"I should be asking you that but you smell off alcohol so i can pretty much deduct why you here" Dazai said leaning against the wall.

"Pfttt sure you can, id like to see you try but you only get two guesses" Chuuya said.

"Alright then. Well you smell off alcohol so you obviously were at a bar. You smell off red wine like Pinot Noir. And that only type off wine is served in a bar called Bar Lupin" Dazai said.

Chuuya blinked at what Dazai just said.

"You have a second ability or something?" Chuuya said throwing the ciggerate pud and pulling out another one.

"Nope! Im just smart" Dazai said with his quirky smile.

"Mhm, want one" Chuuya said offering dazai a ciggerate.

"Sure" Dazai said pulling out s ciggerate from the packet.

Chuuya lit his first then gave the lighter to Dazai to light his up. They sat in silence smoking for a few minutes till Chuuya broke the silence.

"So uh why are you here?" Chuuya asked.

"I come here a lot, it's a perfect place to dream about committing suicide. Like jumping off the bridge in the water and drowning or hanging my self off the bridge." Dazai said.

"Jeez i didn't know the Port Mafia Boss was a suicidal freak" Chuuya said inhaling the smoke and exhaling it and standing up to lean on the wall like the brunette was doing.

Dazai chuckled at the gingers words. It was all true what he said but there was another reason why Dazai came to this place. He came here to get away from everyone and just relax.

"Well Chibi there's alot off things you don't know about me" Dazai said smirking and leaning a little to close to Chuuya.

Chuuya blushed and stepped back a bit almost losing his balance. Even tho Chuuya was drunk, he wasn't that drunk to the point he has no idea what he is doing, he still has control over his actions.

"Chibi? Really ass face." Chuuya said in annoyed tone.

Dazai started laughing like a lunatic, Chuuya didn't really know why but he soon started laughing.

They both started bickering, making jokes and laughing till the sun came up. It was now 7 in thr morning in Yokohama and the boys both parted ways to go home and sleep.

When Chuuya was walking up to his apartment. He couldn't stop thinking about Dazai for some reason and it annoyed him. But that all dissapeared when Chuuya arrvied at his apartment not alone.

When Chuuya arrived he saw Mafuyu outside his door. Sitting on the floor like she was waiting for Chuuya to come home.

"Mafuyu?" Chuuya said approaching her.

"Chuuya! H-hi um your probably wondering why im here hehe" Mafuyu said standing up from where she was sitting on the floor.

"Look Chuuya i over reacted the whole situation and i was in the wrong. I would really love if we became a couple. Shirase told me about you and to be honest i fell for you, even tho we've never met. So what do you say?" Mafuyu said as she was stroking Chuuyas arm gently.

As Mafuyu was saying that the only thing that came up into Chuuyas mind was Dazai. He took a deep breath and reached for his keys.

"Could you maybe give me some time to think about this. I'll call you when my mind is made up" Chuuya said unlocking his door.

"Off course. Ill be off now goodbye" Mafuyu said and she left.

Chuuya walked into his appointment anf collapsed on the couch. He was tired from no sleep but also from how much fun he had with Dazai.

*Why am i thinking about him. Its like he lives in my mind or something. I can't stop thinking about him i can feel my checks burning for some reason.*

Chuuya got up to get some water from the kitchen. As he was drinking from the glass he had a sudden realization.

*Could i? Be crushing on... THE PORT MAFIA BOSS???*


Dazai had returned to his apartment. Normally he would be staying in a hotel or some persons house that he hooked up with. But no he was at his apartment. He entered the apartment everything was a mess. Bandages everywhere on the floor. Blades, Ropes, Pills on the table. The place was so gloomy it had no positivity at all. Dazai walked to his bed and fell face first into his bed.

He was so tired. As he got comfortable in his bed he started to think about the small ginger and how much fun he had. Dazai hasn't laughed like that in ages. It felt amazing, he felt happy. As he continued to think about the small one he suddenly went to sleep alot faster. He never managed to fall asleep fast it would take him so many hours to actually fall asleep. But this time he fell asleep quickly and happily.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I wrote this in class and didn't get caught 🤪

anyways stay safe and have a good day or good night<33

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