In love with him

456 10 26

TW: Smutt

Dazai was on his way to a meeting with Fyodor and the Decay off Angeles. He arrived at a building and saw Fyodor Nikolai and Fukuchi there. Dazai went to sit at the table.

"Well i didn't know Fukuchi was here I would have worn my best suit" Dazai said.

"Good to see you too Dazai" Fukuchi said.

"Hows your little gay group going, the hunting dogs i think its called?" Dazai said.

"If it wasn't for your ability i would have made my weapon strong enough to slice you up" Fukuchi said.


"Alright enough off. We are here on something important. Destruction to the city" Fyodor said.

"Destruction?" Dazai said with a raised eyebrow looking at the Russian across from him.

"Yes destruction. We have everything ready. The vampires are all set. We just need the Mafia on our side" Fyodor said.

"And why do you need the Mafia"

"Well Mori didn't agree with our plan and ever since you took over you've made the Mafia more stronger" Fukuchi said.

"I see you thank you for the compliment tho. But whats your plan here" Dazai said.

"DUHHH take over the city run it our selfs. Pookie here is taking longgggg to tell. WE WANT YOU TO JOIN THE DECAY OFF ANGELES" Nikolai said with exsiment.

"You want me to join?" Dazai said.

"Yes run the city with us Dazai, but if you choose to be against and not with us. There will be a consequences" Fyodor said with a smirk.

"Why want me to join and run the city. When i already do. Im the Boss off the Port Mafia i already run the city" Dazai said.

"Yes we know. But we have other ideas" Fukuchi said.

"And you have more connections with the gifted special operations division. Thats why we need you" Fyodor said.

"Interesting. I in" Dazai said with a smirk.


It was a normal day at work, tomorrow was valentines day and Chuuya had nothing planned. He was working on the computer when he got a text from the brunette.

Tonight. At 9pm meet me at Hotel heres the location :3.

Chuuya was confused to why he had to meet the mafioso at a hotel.


Chuuya replied then got back to work.

After work was over Chuuya headed off to the location the hotel was at. He took his motorcycle because the hotel was across the city. He has arrived at the hotel he parked his motorcycle somewhere and headed inside the hotel. He looked around and didn't see Dazai anywhere. He looked around at the reception till someone tapped him on the shoulder. Chuuya turned around and saw a men with sunglasses handed him a key to a room.

"Boss rooms in on the top floor, room 13" The guy said.

Chuuya nodded and took the key he then headed over to the elevator and got in it. He pressed the button to the top floor. When he arrived the only room that was on that floor was room 13. He opened the door with key and the room was dark. He looked around the room till he heard a clap and the lights came on and he saw Dazai sitting on the couch with wine.

"Welcome Chibi" Dazai said with a smurk.

"The fuck is this weirdo" Chuuya said walking up to to Dazai.

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