Friends with Benefits part 2

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It's 10pm in the evening in Yokohama. After last night's actions, chuuya and dazai ended up sleeping the entire day in each other's arms. Dazai woke up first to a ginder in his arms, chuuyas ginder hair was in dazai face, dazai took a sniff off his hair and loved the smell of his hair. He started playing with Chuuya's ginder locks rapping them around his finger. Chuuya soon woke up and tightened his grip around Dazai, when Chuuya ran his hands down Dazai's bandaged chest he was confused why he felt warm and comfortable, he then lifted his head up and was faced with dazai. Dazai smilled at Chuuya.

"DAZAI? What. How. The fuck happened last night??" Chuuya said getting up from Dazai.

"Chuuya were both naked in your bed you figure it out" Dazai said with a smirk.

"Oh fuck i remember now. Shit what time is it?" Chuuya said rubbing his eyes.

"Umm its 10pm" Dazai said looking at his phone.

"Shit we've been asleep all day" Chuuya said getting up.

"No no no no, getting up chibi your staying in bed with me" Dazai said grabbing Chuuya by the waist and pulling him back in bed.

"Dazai we gotta get dressed and NOT be in bed together" Chuuya said trying to break free.

"Come onnn~" Dazai said in a mischievous voice and started kissing Chuuya's neck.

"Fine can we at least get some food you dipshit" Chuuya said finally breaking free.

Chuuya got up and he put on some sweatpants and a sweater. He threw some sweatpants that were big enough for him and an oversized t-shirt he had.

"Here put theses on id rather not have you walking around my apartment naked you bastard" Chuuya said.

"You'd like that tho wouldn't you" Dazai said with a smirk.

"FUCK YOU" Chuuya yelled his checks blushing red.

"We did last nighttttt~~" Dazai said in a singing voice.

Chuuya stormed off to the kitchen and he saw mami there. He picked up mami and gave her a small kiss on the forehead and put her down to feed her. After that Chuuya headed over to the kitchen and started cooking some egg fried rice.

Dazai walked out of the bedroom and saw Mami finishing her food. Dazai smiled and picked up mami and started giving her scratches. Chuuya walked in with some coffees and saw Dazai petting Mami.

"So i see you've met my cat" Chuuya said placing the coffees on the table.

"I didn't know you had a cat. Whats her name?" Dazai said placing Mami on the couch.

"Mami i found her on the streets when she was a kitten i had to rescue her" Chuuya said walking back to the kitchen.

"Funny i found Atushi on the streets. Not when he was a kitten he was just a human yapping about how he was abounded" Dazai said.

"You found him because you heard him rabbling about being abounded???"

"Yeah it was so funny to see him talking to himself like in 3rd person" Dazai said laughing.

Chuuya got back to making the food after serving the food he and Dazai went to sit in the couch and started watching something on the TV eating breakfast.

"Damn Chu your a good cook" Dazai said eating all off the food.

"Thanks" Chuuya said trying to hide his blush on his face.

After eating Chuuya wanted to ask Dazai something but he heard a knock on the door.

"Chuuya, babe its me Mafuyu are you there?" Mafuyu said knocking in the door and trying to open it.

"SHIT its Mafuyu i forgotten to call her" Chuuya said in a whisper.

"Your still with her?" Dazai said.

"Yeah duh i am go hide" Chuuya said to dazai.

Dazai obeyed and went to hide in the bedroom closing the door. Chuuya then headed over to the door to let Mafuyu in.

"Mafuyu hey good morning" Chuuya said opening the door.

"Where the heck have you been baby I've missed you, you've been ignoring my calls my texts, its like you don't even want me to be your girlfriend." Mafuyu said.

"Sorry ive been busy with work and last night i was gonna call you but u ended up falling asleep" Chuuya said lying. He didn't call her because he got drunk and had sex with the port Mafia boss.

"Chuuya babe, we've been dating for 4 months now and its Christmas month. We haven't even said i love you. Its like you don't wanna be with me at all" Mafuyu said with a sad face.

"What no no b-abe" Chuuya said cringing at himself for saying that.

"Look ill make it up to yoy I'll take you out tomorrow ok?"

"Fine ill see yoy later im taking my friends out shopping. Bye Chu"Mafuyu said placing a kiss on Chuuyas lips.

Dazai was watching the entire time. And made a note to kilk this girl. He already memorized her looks he could kilk her any time. After she left Dazai came out off bedroom.

"Sooooo~ Chibi is a lier and a cheater" Dazai said.

"Don't even asshole. Last night was not supposed to happen. We both agreed" Chuuya said.

"Please you wanted it. I wanted it. We wanted it to happen and we both enjoyed it." Dazai said.

"It.... was a pretty good night" Chuuya said quitely but not too quite.

"It was" Dazai said moving closer to the small one and pulling him in by his waist.

Dazai stared at Chuuya's lips and connected them in a passionate kiss.

"But now what?" Chuuya said.

"What do you mean now what?" Dazai said.

"What are we going to do about this. Huh smart ass"

"Well i wanna continue what we are doing." Dazai said with a smirk.

"You mean fucking? You want to be fuck buddies or something?" Chuuya said pulling away from Dazai and went to sit in the couch.

"No i mean. Look our situation is hard enough so why don't we be friends with benefits. Ill come over every night-"

"EVERY NIGHT?? You can't be that horny" Chuuya said cutting dazai off.

"Well i am. Ill come over every night will fuck and ill before the sun rises." Dazai said.

"And no one will find out?" Chuuya said.

"Nope. But before i need to know about your situation with that whore" Dazai said.

"We haven't fucked. Just kissed and im not interested in her i just dated her because-" Chuuya said stopping himself from contuening that sentence.

"Because what? You wanted me" Dazai said with a smirk.

"Your annoying"

"So is it a deal?"


After that Dazai sat on the couch laying his head on Chuuya and the both continued watching something on the TV.


Hope you guys enjoyed this little silly gay chapter. :3

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