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Its been 2 months since the incident. The city was already back to normal, everything was cleaned up. Chuuya had been in the hospital for 2 months in recovery, he was finally awake and was allowed visitors.

"Are you sure you're doing ok Chuuya?" Kouyou said sitting next to Chuuya's bed.

"Yes mom I'm doing ok. A little but sore on my body but I'm alright" Chuuya said with a smile.

"Ive been taking care off Mami. She misses you but shes been having company everyday"

"I bet with you going around everyday to see her" Chuuya said.

"No not from me a lot, but your little friend dazai has" Kouyou said.

"WHAT?" Chuuya said shocked.

"Dazai has been helping out a lot. Hes been visiting you everyday. You really have someone special you know" Kouyou said with a soft smile.

"Are we talking about the same Dazai? The port Mafia boss?"

"Yes we are. Well i have to go now darling. Ill come over later. Get some sleep" Kouyou said giving a hug to Chuuya and leaving.

"Ok mom" Chuuya said and got comfortable in his bed.

When Kouyou shut the door she saw someone picking from behind a wall. She walked up to it and saw the brunette hiding behind a tree plant.

"I can see you Dazai" Kouyou said.

"Kouyouuu hello there" Dazai said awkwardly.

"What are you doing? Go in there and see him for god sakes" Kouyou said crossing her arms.

"Yeah I don't know. Maybe i should leave next time you see Chuuya tell him i said hi" Dazai said walking away, but failed when he felt Kouyou grabbing him by his coat.

"Oh no you're not. Come on mister" Kouyou said dragging dazai to Chuuya's room.

"Chuuya dear, hello again. You have a vister" Kouyou said opening the door.

Chuuya looked up from his bed and saw Dazai on the floor. It looked like he was thrown on the floor by Kouyou but he really just fell because he was being dragged by his coat.

"DAZAI??" Chuuya said surprised to see dazai.

"Sup Chu" Dazai said trying to escape Kouyou.

"He was stopping by to see you. Alright you two have fun." Kouyou said letting go off Dazai and leaving.

It was an awkward silence between the two, no one said anything for about two 2 minutes.

"So feeling better?" Dazai said walking up to Chuuya.

"Uh yeah i guess." Chuuya said.

"Thats good" Dazai said sitting down on the chair.

"Dazai..." Chuuya said.


"Next time you scare me like that I'm running your head thru 59 walls" Chuuya said looking at Dazai with narrowed eyes

"Why not 69" Dazai said with a smirk.

"YOU BITCH" Chuuya said dragging to hit dazai over his bed but Dazai quickly got up from the chair.

"Hahaha to slow chibi" Dazai teased.

"When i get out off this bed im so chasing your ass" chuuya said.

"What with those short legs? You can try but you ain't catching me Chuuya" Dazai said sith a teasing tone.

In response Chuuya grabbed his pillow and thru at Dazai face.

Mafia and Detective lovers? (soukoku fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now