That boss is one hell off a bitch

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Tw: Smoking action, Blood

Chuuya Nakahara a detective at the Yokohama 99 precinct. He's one of the strongest detectives there while his partner was one of the best detectives in the world. He solves cases so well, Chuuya was just strong in physical but he still is good.

It was late in the city off Yokohama, Chuuya was on his way to the precinct after cracking a case, when he got there he ran into the detective there.

"Oh detective Doppo, what are you doing late at the office?" Chuuya said when he walked into office.

"I should be asking you that, im just making sure everything is clean and perfect, now what are you doing here Nakahara go home, the night team can handle there cases tonight go home and sleep" Kunikida said as he was tiding his desk.

"Haha your funny i just cracked a case Ranpo can kiss my ass with his bitchy cockyness" Chuuya said when he sat down on his desk and started typing.

"A case? what case?" Kunikida questioned as he walked up to see what Chuuya was typing.

"Yeah the Harakan case the murder off the twins, I figured it out" Chuuya said as he was still typing on his computer.

"Oh yeahhh Chuuya Ranpo already solved that case, he already solved it when you left" Kunikida said and Chuuya stopped typing and layed his head on his desk and started bashing it with his fist.

"Fuuuuuuck are you kidding me, but im betting he didn't know it was the mafia??" Chuuya said with hope.

"Sadly yes"

Chuuya groaned and took the papers and screw them up and thru them in the trash and layed down on his desk.

"Man i wish i was that piece of paper Rrr" a girl said from across the office.

"TRISH I CAN HEAR YOU" Chuuya yelled across the room and looked at Trish, she ran away in embarrassment.

"Look Chuuya go home your tired, you need sleep" Kunikida said patting his back.

"Yeah your right ill be off then, see you kuni" Chuuya said as he grabbed his coat and headed home.

As he left he pulled out a ciggerate and lit it up, he then started walking to his apartment.

As he made it to his building witch was 2 blocks away he put out the ciggerate and headed up to his apartment. As he made it there he entered the room and took off his shoes and jacket and hat he put the shoes away and hang his jacket and hat up.

"Mooom im home" Chuuya said while falling on to the couch.

"Chuuya your home how are you dear, did you tell them you solved the case?" Kouyou said walking in the living from the kitchen.

"You mean the case that was already solved by cocky ranpo? YEP" he said as he placed his face on the couch.

"Oh Chu im sorry its ok you'll solve a case that Ranpo can't solve" She said as she stroked Chuuyas ginder hair.

"Ever since we became partners ive never been able to solve a case its always been, THAT BITCH"

"I know dear but you are stronger then him so don't worry you will solve a case he can't solve"

"I guess" He said in a low voice.

"Hey ive made food want some?" Kouyou offered.

"Thanks but no thanks im going to collapse make sure to look the door when you leave" Chuuya said getting up from the couch. A cat walked in from the kitchen.

"Yeah ok honey, AWWW Mami hiiii" Kouyou said to the cat.

"Mami hii girl you missed me yeah did Mom feed you good" Chuuya said as he picked up the cat, he started stroking the cat and the cat meowed.

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