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A/N: So this Chapter will just be about Mafuyu and Chuuya, no soukoku yet. I will make a chapter about Dazai as well. Also side note CHUUYA IN THAT IS SO HOT 😻😻😻 MEOW anyways *COUGH* i am sick so like i am akutagawa 😮 😱 i got the akutagawa effect fr 😋 anyways continuing with the story 😋😋😋😋😋😋.

Its been 2 days since the incedent. Chuuya was trying to think how he had a crush on the port mafia boss. He then decide to date Mafuyu again to distract him. After all its just a crush its not like it will turn into anything serious.

Chuuya was sitting on his couch and grabbed his phone and called Mafuyu. He started dialing on his phone and it started ringing.

*Hello?* Mafuyu said thru the phone.

"Hello Mafuyu its Chuuya. So like um.. wanna go out today like at 3pm?" Chuuya said rubbing his neck.

*O.M.G Chuuya? Id love tooooo~. Where are we going?*

"Um... How about we go to Cafe Kojima-ya?"

*Sounds awesome ill meet you there Chu~ MWAH* Mafuyu said blowing a kiss and hanging up the phone.

Chuuya hanged up the phone and cringed. He put his phone down and relaxed a bit. He closed his eyes till he heard his door knock. He signed and got up to see who it was.

He opened the door and it was Kouyou with Yosano.

"Mom, Yosano. Welcome." Chuuya said opening door for them to walk in.

"Hii Chuuya sorry for the sudden vist but we have some news" Kouyou said walking in with Yosano holding hands.

"Sure whats up?" Chuuya said closing the door.

"Well we are getting married" Yosano said.

"Oh my god. Congratulations and FINALLY" Chuuya said hugging them both.

"Yeah i know right Kouyou took for ever i swear to god" Yosano said sitting down on the couch.

"Hey it took a while to find the perfect ring"


"Well im happy for you two, would you two like some coffee?" Chuuya said.

They both nodded and Chuuya headed to the kitchen to make coffees. They talked for a 2 hours and they left. After a hour Chuuya got ready for his date with Mafuyu. He put on a red shirt with some black jeans. A casual outfit plus his hat. He didn't do much with his hair just a ponytail. He grabbed his coat and left.

He was at the Cafe waiting for Mafuyu till she showed up.

"Hello Chuuya great cafe you picked"Mafuyu said sitting down

"Yeah i love this cafe its a great place"

Mafuyu said smiling and looking at the the menu. It was a akward silence for a while.

"Uh you look lovely today" Chuuya said.

"Aww thank you, you too i love your fashion style" Mafuyu said.

"Thanks" Chuuya said with a smile.

They talked about stuff for hours. For Mafuyu the date was going amazing and she was having the best time off her life. For Chuuya he kept trying to remind himself why he was doing this.

After having some cake and coffee, Chuuya paid and they both left the cafe. They walked around for a while talking about each other and stuff. Chuuya decided to walk Mafuyu to her home. Once they reached her home they stopped out side.

"I had a really amazing time Chuuya" Mafuyu said holding onto Chuuya hand.

"Yeah same" Chuuya said with a force smile.

Mafuyu put her lip and leaned into Chuuya and kissed him on the lips. Chuuya kissed back and he leaned back.

"Well goodnight. Call me?" Mafuyu said.

"You bet" And with that Mafuyu headed inside amd Chuuya started walking to his home.


This chapter was painfully hard to write sorry if it's short but it was just to painful ok.

Anyways hope u enjoed

stau safe and ill see u in the next chapter :3

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