Just friends?

410 13 18

It's been 4 months since Chuuya and Mafuyu started dating. For Mafuyu it was amazing she was already in love with Chuuya. But for Chuuya his crush over the Mafioso grew every time they had a meeting.

Chuuya was at his desk working on a case when a surprise someone came to his desk.

"BABY HIII" Mafuyu said running towards Chuuya and hugging him.

"Mafuyu? What are you doing here I'm working." Chuuya said in discomfort from her hug.

"Well I'm here because I'm taking you out on a fancy dinner tonight and later treating you to something spicy" Mafuyu said with a smirk and wink.

"Yeah i can't I'm sorry i have this big case and they need me" Chuuya said and turned his back towards his work .

"Oh come on Chuuya you always cancel on me" Mafuyu said with a pout and stomping her feet.

She then left and Chuuya sighed leaning his head on his desk.

"Hey fancy hat. I know it's none of my business but you don't seem to be into her at all" Ranpo said spinning his chair across to Chuuya while eating his Doritos.

"Ranpo if it seems to be none of your business then it is. And yes I'm not into her at all she drives me insane." Chuuya said in frustration.

"It's because you're in love with someone else right" Ranpo said still eating his Doritos.


"Come on its obvious you're in love with someone and its not that weird girl now break up with her and be with the person you love. He loves you back too" Ranpo said.

Chuuya looked at Ranpo with widen eyes.

"Ok I'm not in love with anyone. And I'm not gay. And even if i was me and him would never work out anyways" Chuuya said.

"Yuhuh the fact you said 'me and him' means you are in love with some and you are gay. Denial much" Ranpo said.

"Fuck you im going home to work on this case dipshit" Chuuya said grabbing the files and his stuff and headed home.

Chuuya was at his home looking thru the files, when his and Ranpo conversation popped up in his head.

*Maybe i am gay? No that night with Dazai was nothing i was drunk i didn't enjoy it that much. But i did. NO! i probably enjoyed it because i don't like sex that much? No i definitely love sex and with him... NO!*

"What the hell is wrong with me why am i having thoughts about this" Chuuya said rubbing his head. And suddenly he heard his door making sounds.

He got up from the couch and walked quietly to his door. His door was locked and it looked like someone was trying to break into his apartment. Chuuya had the curtains closed so no one could have seen if he was home or not. As the door unlocked Chuuya pulled out his knife and stood behind the door so when the person walked in he had a chance to stab them.

As he hid behind the door and the door opened with a person walking out. Chuuya turned on the lights and charged the person. Witch ended up Chuuya getting thrown onto the floor and being pinned on the ground, having both of his hands hold together above his head. Chuuya tried to break free when he realized who it was.

"DAZAI?!?!?" Chuuya yelled.

"CHIBIIII~~~ so this is your apartment haha my instincts were correct" Dazai said with a smile.

"GET OFF OF ME BITCH" Chuuya said trying to break free.

"Why? I mean we are in a very kinky position right now" Dazai with a smirk.

Mafia and Detective lovers? (soukoku fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now