The past

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TW: Sexual Assault, Self harm (im sorry)

Chuuya was in his appointment working on a case when he suddenly got a call from Kouyou.

"Hello?" Chuuya said answering the phone

*Chuuya hello dear so you said you were on the Mafia case to bring them down right?* Kouyou said.

"Uh yeah i am. Why?"

"Well Yosano actually has some history with the Mafia and information if you would like to hear it"

"Yes absolutely send Yosano over. Ok great thank you bye mom" Chuuya said hanging up.

3 hours later and Yosano was there. She knocked on the door and was let in by Chuuya. She walked in and they both started talking till they got to the couch.

"Once again Yosano thank you for doing this" Chuuya said.

"No problem i hate the mafia and i want them dead" Yosano said.

"So can you begin"

"Sure. Well i was forced to join the mafia when i was 14, because of my ability. Ogai Mori was the boss at the time and he needed me for the war. Ability 'Thou Shall Not Die' lets me heal anybody's wounds so i used it on soldiers. But as the war got worse and more, and more, soldiers kept getting hurt. Most off them committed suicide. But after the war was over. But not for me. You see Ogai Mori was an evil man. He wanted me close. It wasn't just me. It was this little kid Elise who was part of his ability.

"His ability was a little child?" Chuuya said.

"Yeah i didn't really understand it. But he kept me for 2 years and i left because the amount off times he used me for my ability and my body" Yosano said.

"Oh my god Im so sorry for you that happened" Chuuya said with concern in his voice.

"Its fine im over it. But he did want to see me around when i met your mother when you were 15, so i went to see him and he has a kid there. 15 like your age. He looked so dead he wore bandages all over him it was insane."

"By any chance was that kid named Dazai?" Chuuya said.

"YES thats his name and hes now the new boss who im guessing he murdered Mori" Yosano said.

"Huh thats interesting, but what did Mori want with you when you returned" Chuuya said.

"I remember that day like it was yesterday"

~~Flash back~~

Yosano was at the Port mafia main office door. She knocked on it and heard a come in and she opened the door and walked in.

"Yosano Akiko welcome back its good to see you" Mori said sitting in his chair.

"What do you want Mori" Yosano said with frustration.

"I think you know what i want" Mori said with a smirk.

Before Yosano could respond someone walked in.

"Hello Boss im back from your mission you sent me on" Dazai said walking in the office.

"Who is this?" Dazai said confused.

"Oh yeah i believe you two haven't met. Akiko Yosano this is Osamu Dazai my right hand man" Mori said.

"Its nice to meet you Dazai. What happened to you. Your covered with bandages?" Yosano said with concern.

"Never mind that Yosano. Dazai to my side please." Mori said.

Dazai nodded and walked behind Mori standing behind him.

"Like I said before Yosano, you know what i want" Mori said again with a smirk and lust in his eyes.

"Im going to fucking kill you" Yosano said as she walking closer to Mori but stopped when Dazai pulled out his gun.

"Dazai where are your manners, no need for that she can't kill me." Mori said Dazai obeyed and put his gun away.

"Dazai give us alone time would you please" Mori said looking at Dazai. Dazai nodded and left without a word.

"Loyal kid. You know in 5 years he would kill me and take the thrown for himself. He quite strong im sure he will do that" Mori said.

"He better be quick before i knock your brains out" Yosano said.

Mori then got up and walked straight up to Yosano and went behind her.

"My dear Yosano ive missed you very dearly. How about you come back to mafia and be by my side. What do you say" Mori said behind her and grabbing her breast.

Yosano eyes widen at the action and kicked Mori in the crotch. Mori feel to the ground in pain.

"Touch me again you pervert and i will have no mercy castrating you" Yosano said.

"Fine then. Besides i have no taste in older woman I prefer my woman to be under 18 or 12" Mori said getting up and walking back to his desk and sitting down.

"Well then i should tell you this. All the secrets you know about the port mafia you know only stay with you. If you reveal anything i will have my men kill you and that's a promise" Mori said.

Yosano nodded and left without a word.

~~End of Flash Back~~

"So yeah that's what happened. I have some offnthe secrets in this file im gonna give you" Yosano said looking thru her bag.

"I can't believe it. I guess Mori was right because when i was in college. The Port Mafia Boss was murdered and thats when Dazai became the Mafia Boss" Chuuya said.

"Yeah. And i figured theses things i have on the mafia might help out. There all off the Mafia's smuggling sites. I how they have some use" Yosano said.

"Thank you this really is helpful" Chuuya said.

"Well if its alright with you im gonna take off. Ill see you later Chuuya" Yosano said getting up from the couch.

"Yeah ok and thanks again for this. This really means alot and im sorry that happened to you" Chuuya said giving Yosano a hug.

"Its alright you can't change the past you can only move forward. Its how life is. Its better to move forward and accept things then live with depression. Of course we all have our moments in life where we do het flash backs off the trauma. But as along were not alone and we are surrounded by the people we love. Its more easy to get over" Yosano said with a smile.

Yosano and Chuuya said their goodbyes and Chuuya got back to work.


It was 3am Dazai was still awake he couldn't sleep. His head wouldn't shut up. He wished he was with the small detective but he couldn't because he was the Mafia Boss. He never wanted this. He dreament that one day he could have a normal life. Fall in love. Get married. Live happy. But right now he can't even see a future with himself in it.

He got up from his bed and headed over to his desk and opened a drawer. He took out a blade unbandaged his neck and made a cut on his neck till blood. He did it on his 4 times. Then he unbandaged his writs and did it on there as well. He did it 7 times just to feel something instead off numbness in his body. But nothing. But can never take away the depression he feels. He so wishes he could just end his life. But something was stopping amd little part off him knows why.

He placed the blade back into the drawer. And re bandaged his neck amd wrist and got into his bed. He then opened his phone and started looking at the gingers photos on his Instagram. The mafioso smiled and slowly started to close his eyes, and he quickly feel asleep. This was now his daily routine when ever he was going to sleep. But off course he will never admit the fact that he likes the ginder. Or even loves him.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)

this is my second book and im glad its going so well.

Anyways stay safe and see you all in the next chapter<33

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