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TW: Self harm, smoking actions.

Its the new year it was February 10. 4 Days before valentine's day. Dazai and Chuuya were in bed together enjoying each other's touch. They have been with each other every night for 2 months now. Chuuya is still with Mafuyu and he hasn't told anyone about his little secret.

Chuuya and Dazai were in bed it was 2am in the morning Dazai lit a ciggeratte.

"That was amazing night" Dazai said blowing smoke out.

"Mhm yeah, id appreciate it if you uncuff me id like smoke you asshole" Chuuya said trying to break free from the uncuffs.

"Mhmmmm I dont know" Dazai said moving close to Chuuya and blowing smoke in his face.

"Are you trying to make it 6 round" Chuuya said.

"As much i want too i gotta go" Dazai said grabbing the keys for the cuffs and unlocking the cuffs and getting up and getting dress.

"Good i can finally sleep with your ass" Chuuya said rubbing his wrists.

"Comeee on chibi you id stay but I have a meeting in a hour" Dazai said getting dressed.

"Sureeeeeeee how many meetings did you miss while being with me every night* Chuuya said getting under the covers.

Dazai smilled and went to kiss Chuuya in a passionate kiss.

"You know what I have time" Dazai said taking off his shirt again and jumping on Chuuya connecting their lips.

As they were making out Dazais phone started ringing.

"WHAT" Dazai yelled answering the phone still kissing the ginger.

*DAZAI WHERE ARE YOU. Fyodor is pissed and his horny clown friend is all over him* Oda said on the other end off the phone.

"Im kinda doing someone Oda have a good night" Dazai said. Chuuya leaned down and stared messing around with Dazai member.

*DAZAI* Oda yelled.

"FINE" Dazai said hanging up the phone.

"Chuuya your mean. I have a boner now and i have to go" Dazai said moving away from Chuuya and getting dressed again.

"AHAHHAHA L have fun with that" Chuuya said pointing the L with his fingers.

"Ill come back and ill make you regret this" Dazai said giving chuuya a kiss and left.

Chuuya laughed and got comfortable in bed and went to sleep.


After the meeting Dazai was gonna take off to see Chuuya again till he was stopped by odasaku.

"Where are you going" Oda said standing Infront off Dazai.

"Well Oda i have plans to do someone" Dazai said.

"Dazai its 8am in the morning go home and sleep" Oda said.

"So ill sleep at his place" Dazai said.

"Who is him? Are you in a relationship?" Oda said with a raised eyebrow.

"Nuhuh im... nuhuh look oda ill see you later" Dazai said heading off.

Dazai made it to Chuuya's apartment when he saw Mafuyu and Chuuya heading out off the building holding hands. They stopped Infront off the building and kissed. Seeing that Dazai got angry and left to his apartment.

For some reason dazai felt jealous he didn't know why. He got to his apartment and slammed tye door shut. He felt jealous. He knew him and Chuuya weren't dating they were just messing around they both agreed. Dazai collapsed onto the couch and screamed into a pillow. He then heard a knock on his door. He didn't answer it instead Odasaku just let himself in.

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