Denial for his feelings

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A/N: So this is the chapter about Dazai the last one was about chuuya now we have dazai :3 enjoy also side note. DAZAI IN THIS MEOW UGH HE SO HOT 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 MEOW im a dazai simp BITE ME
anyways moving on 🤪

It was 3am in the morning. Dazai hasn't been to sleep all night due to his insomnia. He was reading his book. 'The complete Guide to Suicide'. He had read it over 3 times and still couldn't sleep. So he got up and went to the cabinet in the bathroom and grabbed his sleeping pills. He took 6 of them. Because 1 to overdose and 2 to see if he could sleep. After chugging 6 off the pills at once he went back to his bed and closed his eyes. After an hour he managed to fall asleep thanks to help off the pills.

It was 10am when Dazai woke up. All dizzy and sick. He got up and went to the kitchen to grab some water when he heard his door knock. He was surprised he normally doesn't get visters at his apartment. He opened the door and it was Oda.

"Im surprised your here and not in a hotel with someone" Oda said walking in.

"ODASAKUUU~ so happy your here, what's up" Dazai said with a happy tone and closing the door.

"Jesus Dazai your place is a mess, can you never clean" Oda said cleaning the living.

"To lazy, cleaning is boring" Dazai said sitting on the couch with his feet up on the table.

"Where you've been. Haven't heard from you in 2 days what happened?"

"Oda i think im having feelings for someone" Dazai said. Oda stopped what he was doing and looked at Dazai confused.

"Feelings? Feelings as in liking someone? Osamu Dazai having feelings for someone. That's a first" Oda said sitting down on the couch.

"Well I don't know. At Nikolais party that man i slept with. I can't stop thinking about him even tho my i can't remember who it was. Then 2 days ago i was with the detective Nakahara-"

"Wait wait wait. Nakahara what were you doing with him?" Oda said cutting dazai off.

"You know the bridge i go to?"


"Well when i went there Nakahara was there as well and we started talking and having a good time. NOT A GOOD TIME A AMAZING TIME. Despite everything he was so fun to be with and i think i might..." Dazai said passing around the floor.

"Dazai take a breath ok. Your probably have a crush on two people"

"Wait a minute. What if it was one person" Dazai said walking up to the window.


"What if the man i slept with was Chuuya"

"Dazai this seems like a you problem im going see ya later" Oda said walking out.

Dazai was staring at the window till he grabbed his phone and made a call.

After an hour Ango walked in the door.

"Hello Dazai" Ango said closing the door and out gus brief case on the table.

"ANGOOO~ so great your here. Your lover was just here" Dazai said with a chicky smile.

"Dazai id appreciate it if you stop that. Me and Odasaku are nothing but workers for the Port Mafia so stop that"

"Oki Oki whatever. You have the research i asked you?"

"Yes here you go, and im out i have another job in Tokyo" Ango and said and leaving Dazai.

Dazai took a look at files. There were alm about Chuuya.

"Huh. He was in a orgazation called the sheep. I remember taking them down when i was 15. And hes half french? Has a brother who lives in France. His birthday is on the 29th of April. Favorite food sushi. He loves wine and his favorite wine is..." Dazai stopped and looked at the name off the wine.

"Romanée-Conti. This can't be a coincidence. But what if it was Chuuya but I don know. Either way i don't have a crush on him. Yeah i dont its probably the pills talking"

After doing more research on Chuuya. Dazai ended up finding his Twitter acc and followed him. Dazai spent the few hours looking at his acc and ended up finding his Instagram acc. Again Dazai followed him on there. And he ended up looking at all his pictures. Dazai couldn't help vut admire the small detective looks. He couldn't deny the detective was hot and sexy. After hours Dazai ended up falling asleep with one off Chuuya's photos till on his phone. Dazai ended up asleep so easy without any pills or alcohol and it was the best feeling ever.


Yippee another chapter done

sorry if this one was short but anyways hope you guys enjoyed:3

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