The party part 1

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It was 6 in the morning in Yokohama. Odasaku had arrived at a hotel, he got a call from Dazai to meet him there. When he arrived at the room he saw blood, there were 6 dead bodies 3 males and 3 females, Dazai was sitting on a chair smoking a ciggerate.

"Dazai what the hell happened here" Oda said as he shut the door.

"Well i had a bit of fun last night and that whore called the cops this morning letting them know that she had the Mafia boss in the room i already knew she was a cop while her part time job was a hooker" Dazai said blowing out smoke and putting the ciggerate out on a dead body.

"I see so you had another one of your orgies again so that's where you've been"

"Oh Oda you sound like a dad i just had a bit of fun, but I did find something out" Dazai said throwing a phone at Oda.

Oda caught the phone and took a look at it, his eyes widened at what he read.

"There after you"

"It seems our new little detective wants to bring me down. Thats funny that he thinks he can that do"

"This isn't good, ive heard rumors that Nakahara is one off the strongest officers because off his ability"

"Well then we have no problem, now lets go the police will show up in 2 minutes to a murder seen" Dazai said walking out off the door with Odasaku following.


The hotel room has already been cleaned out and Chuuya was on his way to infestiget the place.

"Holy fuck this place is covered in blood, what happened" Chuuya said when he walked in the room and asking one off the officers.

"6 dead bodys with million off guns shots one off them was ours who called us here, but she's dead now, she said she had the Mafia boss" The officer said.

"So do you think she actually had the Mafia boss even so, why was he here" Chuuya said looking around the room

"DUHHH He had a orgie" Ranpo said appearing from no where.

"Off course your here and what did you say orgie??"

"Yep he had a orgie and one off our officers was actually a hooker so was everyone here" Ranpo said moving his glasses.

Chuuya frowned and walked out off the hotel room with Ranpo following.

"So do you think he knows about me bringing him down for good" Chuuya said to Ranpo.

"100% he knows, i still don't get why you announced that"

"Well do you want the city to be safe" Chuuya said stopping at the elevator.

"Of course but we stopped going after the Port Mafia Boss since he did that war thing, thats why we have theses meetings" Ranpo said as the elevator arrived they both walked in Ranpo pressing the button.

"Yeah and the reason we haven't been after him because we had Tachihara in charge and he was a spy so now im in charge and im taking his little bratty mafia down"

"And im with you and wish you good luck fancy hat" Ranpo said with a chicky smirk

Chuuya growled at that and decided to hit ranpo in the shoulders, Ranpo jumped up in pain amd rubbed his shoulder.

~Time skip at the precinct~

"Alright here are all the files and records we have on Dazai, just like you asked" Sigma said.

"Thanks Sigma" Chuuya thanked him and started looking thru them

"Yeah yeah no problem your nuts for doing this but as long im not involved i have nothing to worry about now im going back to my desk" Sigma said walking out.

"Alright Sigma"

Chuuya started going thru everything he could possibly learn. He spent about 6 hours on his desk looking thru everything. Chuuya sighed as he read the last file, he rubbed his eyes amd got up to go to the kitchen for coffee. When he gkt there he saw Kunikida.

"Nakahara hello" Kunikida saod greeting Chuuya.

"Sup" Chuuya said with a yawn.

"Hows your research going" Kunikida said sipping his coffee.

"Well so far nothing, we have no actual records on this guy the only thing we have is, Osamu Dazai he was the at the mafia god knows how long and some things about his ability is that it does nullify other abilitys but thats it so i just wasited 6 hours on this crap" Chuuya said with a bash on the counter.

"Look its not like your gonna catch him by looking at a files or records what you need to do is catch him at a event"

"Event? What do you mean" Chuuya said with a raised eyebrow.

"Well according to Ranpo the city has events for organizations hold at the underground plaza"

"And do we have any proff if thats true?"

"Its Ranpo hes always right. Look I'll go check with the FBI to see if it is true. Meanwhile if you go home and get some rest you need it" Kunikida saod getting up.

"Fine" Chuuya said getting up and walking to his desk getting his stuff and heading home.

~the next day~

It was 7am Chuuya was awake he was feeding the cat after that he heard the door knock. He walled over to the door amd saw Kunikida and opened the door for him.

"Morning Kunikida whats up?"

"Yeah hi morning i found out about the next event" Kunikida said walking in.

"My friend Katai he used to be a hacker in police department he used to gather information, and he found out theres a event for a birthday for someone named Nikolai and Dazai is gonna be there" Kunikida said

"Wait that's perfect, we could go undercover and investigate" Chuuya said closing the door.

"The party is in 2 days, aperently its a crazy disco one so dress like your gonna party and make sure to dress like you want to party" Kunikida said.

"Okay sure i think your talking about your self" Chuuya said.

"I dress appropriate for everything unlike you who dresses like a old dad"

Chuuya stormed off to his room while Kunikida was talking. As he walked into his room he opened his closet and brought out all bis fanshinalbel clothes.

"You were saying" Chuuya said showing Kunikida all his clothes.

"Do you think i can borrow?"


~Time skip~

It was the day off the party Chuuya was getting ready for the part he was wearing a skirt with a crop top along with some belts on his thigh and a choker, he finished off the look with his hair down and a hat and he added some eyeliner and red lipstick so he didn't look recognizable. He walked out off his apartment and met kunikida outside at his car.

"You look like a whore" Kunikida said in the car.

Kunikida was wearing blue skinny jeans with a neon green shirt and with a black wig.

"And you look like a college emo, what's with the wig?" Chuuya said getting in the car.

"Well its for my disguise and what about you, it easy to recornize you"

"Nope because the only thing they'll be staring at his my thighs and slutty waist theres a reason I work out"

"Whatever lets just go" Kunikida said and he started driving to the party.


i have a little idea what im going to do for part 2 IM SO EXCITED

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter stay safe now<33

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