Love is hard

282 11 4

Tw: self harm and gore
Reader warning this is some heavy gore stuff
im sorry

-a few hours ago before chuuya confessed-

*Hello Chuuya* Kouyou said on the other end off the phone.

"Hi ill be coming over to yours in a minute to drop off the books i borrowed" Chuuya said

*Ok darling. Have you and Dazai been talking?*

"No i think he's avoiding me. But what do i care. Its not like we were anything but just a hook up" Chuuya said with a frown.

*You know im getting kinda tired off you two playing dumb. You love him and He loves you* Kouyou said with annoyence in her voice.

"What? He... loves me? Chuuya said standing completely frozen.

*Yes he does. And i know you love him too.* Kouyou said.

"Ok mom ill be over soon bye* Chuuya said hanging up the phone.

He felt some what happy. Alot off emotions going thru his body.

*Off course i love him. But does actually love me back?* Chuuya thought to himself


Chuuya walked in his mother apartment and slammed the door and fell to the ground.

"Chuuya? Is everything ok dear" Kouyou said with concern as she ran towards Chuuya on the floor.

"You were wrong. He doesn't" Chuuya said with tears now rolling down his eyes.

Kouyou just brought Chuuya in a hug and was so confused to what happened.


Dazai got home to his apartment, not even bothering to turn on the lights. He fell on his bed in tears.

*Why did i say that. Why did i say that. Why did i say that. Why did i say that* Dazai repeated in his head.

Dazai body felt heavy and tired. He felt like he wanted to throw up. He got up and walked to his drawer brought out pills and a blade. He then started taking off his bandages on his arms and started slowly tracing the blade on his skin. The pain wasn't goid enough so he walked tobthe kitchen and grabbed a big kitchen knife, he then started slashing his arms with the knife creating big cuts, blood dripped in the floor and the only thing going thru dazais head.

*What are you doing. Make it bigger. After what you said, you HURT him. You deserve that pain. You deserve it. Why bother feeling hurt when you can cause a distraction with another pain. Go on.* Dazai thought.

He then fell to the floor with a grim smile on his face. He wanted more pain. He then took the knife and stabbed his thigh hard, he started laughing like a manic and did ut again. Blood was all over the floor by now, all dazai could do was laugh, he managed to get up and walked to his bedroom with a limp and took the pills. He chugged down every last one off the pills and fell to the floor.


The next day Oda was heading over to Dazai place confused by the text message he got. Dazai said to tell chuuya that hes loves him. Oda was confused so instead going to find the detective he went over to Dazai to ask why did he had to be cupid.

He walkee up to Dazai apartment when he knocked on the door there was no answer. He knocked again still no answer.

"DAZAI, ITS ME ODA" Oda yelled thinking the brunette was asleep.

Seeing no answer Oda reached for the door and opened it. Seeing it was unlocked Oda barged in and looked around for dazai till he found him on the floor unconscious.

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