Pain and Love part 3

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Chuuya was awake at 3am and he was sitting on the floor looking thru things. He was trying to find clues in the video. He wasn't a great detective but he was smart and he knew dazai left a clue in there somewhere.

"Heres the only thing i have. Dazai calls me slug and the cherry blossom forest is like the park that were at. But waiting to be killed? Its like a trap. But could it be? He already blocked my number so i have no way off contacting him. OF THIS SHIT IS USELESS" Chuuya complained.

He laid on the floor and pulled out his phone looking thru Instagram. Mami came to lay on his chest purring. Chuuya looked thru his insta and noticed that the same person was spam liking his post all off them, he viewed the persons insta profile and saw the persons user. He got up amd leaned on the couch with mami now laying on his lap. The user on profile was called 'bandage_machine005' he thought he could be dazai but there was no way. Unless?

He opened the dms to the person and sent a text 'Dazai is this you?'. He sent hoping he would respond. He saw him texting and Chuuya eyes widen but it wasn't the response he was hoping. Instead it was a time and date. It was today at 3:40am.

"3:40am? At cherry blossom park?. That's gotta be it" Chuuya said and got up he grabbed his coat and hat and ran out.

He ran to the park and looked around the park for dazai but couldn't find him. Instead a note under a cherry blossom tree, and it read.

If you reading this then I'm sorry. Therea nothing I can't do to stop this whats about yo happen. But i can give you information. Fukuchi is going to hold Bram in a underground base. Thata where he will have control off the vampires. It starts tomorrow at 8am. I heard a lock down was happening and it has to happen right now. I will try to get to Bram and disable his ability. But it will lead to my death. Fukuchi has a sword he can go back in time. I have a plan witch is why im using my trusted exsuctives. This will probably be the last time you will hear from me. I love you Chuuya.

From Dazai

Chuuya was holding the later and crunched it up.

"No its not asshole. This wont be the last time i hear from your ass" Chuuya said pulling out his phone.

"Kunikida its me get everyone at the station now!" Chuuya said on the phone.

~Time skip at the station~

"Whats the meaning off this Nakahar?" Fukuzawa said.

"I know where the Bram is and someone is already going to try to disable his ability" Chuuya said.

"And how do you know that?" Kunikida asked with a raised eyebrow.

"The boss off the port Mafia Osamu Dazai" Chuuya said.

"Wait he's on our side?" Trish said.

"Duh he's been screwing with him" Ranpo said.


"Now not the time. He said hes being held in a underground base. And we till 8am today to get everyone safe before the vampire come" Chuuya said.

"Ranpo can you confirm this?" Fukuzawa said looking at Ranpo.

"Sadly everything he is saying is true. I deducted it" Ranpo said.

"But Chuuya you still have to use corruption" Ranpo said.

"I know and I'm prepared" Chuuya said.

"Alright then. We have a mission. Kunikida get the force and start getting people to safety. Trish start calling the mayor we might need the military. Chuuya you know what you have to do". Fukuzawa said.

Everyone nodded and got to work.

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