Last night

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Chuuya arrived at the precinct he put his stuff on his desk and went to make a coffee. When he walked in the kitchen he passed Sigma who stopped to talk to Chuuya.

"Oh Chuuya hi good morning the meeting is in 5 minutes" Sigma said.

"What you gotta be kidding, fine ill be there" Chuuya said starting to make his coffee.

After he made his coffee he went to the office where they normally have meetings, he walked in and sat in his normal space. Everyone there was Kunikida, Ranpo, Fukuzawa and another detective Poe.

"Thank you everyone for coming as you all know. Detective Nakahara and detective Kunikida both went undercover yesterday at a party-" Fukuzawa said but got cut off by Chuuya choking on his coffee.

"Sorry sorry" Chuuya said placing his coffee down.

"Anyways, Kunikida has found some interesting things, Kunikida" Fukuzawa said sitting down and Kunikida standing up.

"Thank you sir. Now at the party i found someone and he gave up some information about the Mafia and also i found some documents in a room." Kunikida said handing out a copys off the documents he printed out.

"These are amazing glasses, this is about the Port Mafia warehouses where they keep a lot of stuff there" Ranpo said looking thru the papers.

"And what did that person tell you that you said" Fukuzawa asked.

"He told me about the Boss off the Mafia having a drug smuggling meeting at one of those warehouses" Kunikida said.

"Alright perfect tonight will head over to the warehouse i already have a pretty good idea which one it is" Ranpo said.

"Then its settled then, dismiss" Fukuzawa said and everyone got up and left to do their work.


Dazai was in his office looking at paper work being bored. Till he heard someone knocking on the door.

"Come in"

"DAZAI i just heard that one of our men gave up the drug smuggling meeting to a cop, apparently yesterday at the party 2 cops were there" Atsushi said walking in the room.

"What are you serious, who was it?" Dazai said in a dark tone.

"It was John Gorgo sir, Akutagawa is bringing him here right now" Atushi said.

"DAMN IT JOHN. Good your bringing him here well done Atushi"

Akutagawa walked in and had John blindfolded and handcuffed to a chair. Dazai signaled Akutagawa to take off the blindfolded, he did as told and took the blindfold off John. When John could finally see it was just a darkish room with Dazai standing Infront off him.

"Hello Mr.Gorgo thank you for joining me" Dazai said in a smiley tone.

"Um boss i can explain eve-" John tried to explain but was cut off by Dazai.

"Oh i heard enough, you do know this is your 3rd strike giving out information. I took pity on you but now.... I have no need to your just useless too me" Dazai said as he stabbed John in both off his hands.

John screamed in pain and trying to escape but couldn't.

"PLEASE SIR GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE I WON'T FAIL YOU PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE GIVE ME ANOTH-" John pleaded for his life but was cut off by a bullet to his head.

Dazai blew the smoke from his gun and placed it back in his pocket and walked back to his desk.

"I hate beggers. Who beg for their life, pathetic. Akutagawa Atushi get rid off his body for me and send out a message to the precinct" Dazai said to the two boys.

They both nodded and took the body out.


It was 5pm in the afternoon everyone was getting ready for the mission tonight till they got a call in the Captains office.

"What's going on Sir you said it was important" Kunikida said walking into the office with Chuuya.

"Aperently the Port Mafia boss made a meeting at 6pm he demanded that we all should be there" Fukuzawa said.

"The fuck? Im the one who organizeges the meetings not this bitch, we don't have another meeting till next month so what is up" Chuuya said frustrated amd confused.

"We don't know. All we know is that he wants this meeting today so you two better get going. The mission can wait till tomorrow" Fukuzawa said.

Chuuya and Kunikida both excited the room amd started to head to the building where they have their meetings.

*This is bad, what if the mafia boss knew it was me last night at that stupid game, no he couldn't have known i was quite and barely talked to anyone but yet again i was drunk this is bad* Chuuya thought in his mind.

They soon arrived at the building and headed up to the office. Chuuya didn't bother to knock he just opened the door and bashed his fist on the table.


"Detective Nakahara and Kunikida welcome, im not sorry for calling you down here but we have a situation" Dazai said looking up at Chuuya.

Chuuya amd Kunikida both sat down amd started waiting for Dazai to talk.

"You see yesterday there was a party, and it seems there were undercover cops there" Dazai said in a series tone.

"Yeah so?" Chuuya said.

"Well you see aperently one off my men exposed us and gave important information to one off your detectives. He's now dead. Now the Captain off the 99 precinct agreed that he wouldn't have the ability cops come undercover at a event we all agreed and made a contract. Ango" Dazai said snapping his fingers telling Ango to bring out the contract.


"Well you know what, that contract was made by fools and cowards who were afraid to bring you down. Im not afraid so heres what i saw, we can do whatever we won't. I swear to fuck ill bring you down and have you executed." Chuuya said getting up from his sit.

"You plan on taking me down and having me exsicuted. Your cute you know but I'll have to say this will be entertaining so fine then do what ever you want. But I should warn you. You started a war against a war that we will win." Dazai said.

And with that Chuuya and Kunikida left.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT CHUUYA?" Kunikida said yelling as they both walked to the car.

"You heard me, were taking the mafia down. Im in charge and i will bring them to justice" Chuuya getting in the car.

"Are you mad tho??"

"I swear to fuck ill kill him if that what it takes to bring him down."


"Dazai?" Odasaku said.

"I have to say that detective is so interesting, do some digging on him Ango for me" Dazai said getting up to leave.

"As you wish" Ango said.


Yippeee this chapter is done

hope you guys enjoyed it<3

anyways idl when the next chapter will come out bc im in exsams sooo ehhh idk lol

anyways stay safe and have a good day or night<3

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