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Its been 7 years since Dazai and Chuuya have been together and alot has changed.

The port mafia is still running by the command off Dazai Osamu. He still runs things the same but runs them by better way to help to city.

Chuuya Nakahara was promoted to being an Sargent in Yokohama police force. He still runs the meetings with the port mafia and everything was at peace.

As for Dazai and Chuuya they got married last year and now have an adopted 5 year old kid named Akito and a baby girl who was 6 months old name Lana that they recently adopted.


It was 7pm in Yokohama. Dazai was going home after a long day. When he walked into the door off his home he was surprised to have his son jump on him.

"OW THE FUCK" dazai yelled in the floor.

"HAHA PAPA SWORE" Akito said in laughter.

"Alright no more powers for you" Dazai said using his ability to nullify Akito ability.

Akito ability was called Fly to the sky, hes ability allowed him to float.


"Says you who taught our son first word was 'Bitch'" Dazai said walking into the living room with Akito on his shoulders.

"I swear to god" Chuuya said walking up to Dazai and giving him a kiss.

"Ew stop. Please torture" Akiti said cringing.

"Alright little man run off to get washed up for dinner" Dazai said placing Akiti on the ground.

"Where Lana?" Dazai said.

"Sleeping she'll be awake in a minute" Chuuya said wrapping his arms around Dazai.

"Missed me that much" Dazai said with a smirk.

"Would you shut-" Chuuya was cut off by Dazai connecting their lips.

"There I shut the fuck up" Dazai said with a smirk.

"Mhm go grab Lana for dinner" Chuuya said walking away.

Dazai chucked and went to lanas room.

She was sleeping peacefully and when Dazai picked her up the kid has stars in her eyes.

"Hii Lana look at you so precious come on" Dazai said carrying lana to the table.

"DAD CAN I HAVE ICE CREAM FIRST PLEASE" Akito said when he ran into the kitchen.

"Dont be like your Papa now Akito first eat your dinner then you can have ice cream" Chuuya said serving the food.

"Listen to your dad, if your not to careful he will throw ice cream at you" Dazai said walking in and placing Lana in her seat at the table.

"Ill throw ice cream at you" Chuuya said.

"And i love you too" Dazai said in a teasing voice.

"Ew Papa and Dad are flirting again" Akito said.

"Alright enough talk. And sit down dinner is ready" Chuuya said.

After dinner they all sat at the couch with ice cream and watched a movie. After that Dazai placed Akito to ber after falling asleep on the couch when the movie was over and Chuuya out Lana to bed too.

After that Chuuya saw Dazai at the balcony and walked over to him hugging him from behind.

"You ok" Chuuya asked hugging dazai.

"Yeah im ok. You?" Dazai asked.

"Tired" Chuuya said resting on Dazai.

"Awww is chibi sleepy" Dazai teased.

"If your not careful i will send you flying off this balcony"

"I love you Chuuya" Dazai said.

"I love you too Osamu" Chuuya said.

Dazai pulled Chuuya from behind him and connected their lips together. Everything was perfect because they both had each other in end.


This is the end off this chapter
Thank you everyone for reading.
I had a lot off fun writing this book and i hope you enjoyed reading it.

Im kinda sad it's other lol but it is.

Pls check out my other soukoku stories and my current writing ones.

I love you all so much
stay safe<333

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