Babysitting is about keeping your charge on a leash (1)

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There was a different break room for each department in Yoon Holding. However, there was also a break room that was used freely by anyone. Strangely, the employees rarely used this break room because most were using the break room belonging to their department for a practical reason--because it was near.

Sometimes, however, people would get tired of taking a break near their department because they couldn't get away from their boss that way. Sometimes, they just didn't want to get involved in the breakroom gossip and internal drama happening there. At a time like that, they would slip out and choose to retreat to the 'neutral zone'--the break room of the west wing.

Just like what three colleagues from the PR Department did today. There was a war of tension in their department break room, so they ran away to the west wing instead.

"Ah, lucky! It's empty today!" Jiyoon, the most energetic of them all, stepped inside the break room while jumping joyfully.

She skipped toward the pantry and prepared three cup glasses for them, making instant coffee and tea while whistling. Her joy was understandable--after all, for first-year employees, it was hard for them to get dragged into a department's internal drama. Having to take a side was annoying, but if they stayed there without doing anything, they also would look bad. And yet, going out for a break every time was a strain for an entry-level employee like them.

To find an empty space where they could relax without the need to mind their manner in front of seniors was truly bliss!

And more importantly, they could gossip about whatever they wanted instead of just nodding to the seniors.

"Hey, do you know Director Yoon's secretary?" curiously, the one who brought out a topic this time was the only male between them, Taehan.

"Hush! He's not a secretary," Jiyoon corrected him with a wiggling finger. "He's Director Yoon's personal assistant."

"Same things," Taehan waved his hand dismissively. "Anyway, do you know where he came from?"

Jiyoon scrunched her nose in suspicion while opening the pepero she sneaked out of her cubicle. "No? Is it important? Why do you want to know anyway?"

"I mean...he came out of nowhere, not even during the new recruitment period," Taehan narrowed his eyes. "But he gets training from our best seniors--even the Chairman's secretaries!" he paused as he realized his voice had become higher. He looked around and, after making sure the room was really empty, he continued in a whisper. "It's just...sus, you know?"

The last girl, the one who drank tea instead of coffee, tilted her head. "How so?"


Jiyoon and Hwayeon looked at each other, before rolling their eyes. "Geez," Hwayeon shook her head. "Do you still not know what kind of company this is? A new personnel from inner circle's recommendation can come anytime, you know."

It wasn't a secret among the employees that Yoon Holding and the companies under the Group were being operated by a mafia group. Especially those who worked in Yoon Holding. They were the strategic central of the group anyway, and their training included covering their eyes and ears while working there.

Someone suddenly came to work out of nowhere? What else could it be except that they were part of the 'family'?

"I know that, but--"

"But what?" Jiyoon raised her brow. "Don't be nosy. It's dangerous to be too curious in this kind of place, don't you know that?"

Taehan clicked his tongue and grumbled behind his coffee cup. "Well, I can't help it, okay?"

Babysitting Mafia Is More Than Just Wearing a Bunny SuitWhere stories live. Discover now