Babysitting is about preventing chaos in public place (2)

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t.w://homophobic slur//


Yoohan grabbed the madman's hand that was holding his jaw and pulled it down, but his eyes still followed the direction the man was leading his gaze toward. The first thing he saw there was a man whose face bore a resemblance to Yoon Jay.

If Jay's eye shape and demeanor were something he got from the Madam, then some part of his face and his body structure was that of his father. Everyone could tell instantly that Jay was the perfect DNA mix of his parents.

How ironic. Yoohan tilted his head as he observed the people following the man who looked like Jay at a glance. There was a woman; a beautiful one, he reckoned, who was bedecked in glimmering jewelry and luxurious dress. Behind her, there were two men in their twenties--probably between Yoohan's and Jay's age--who looked like a clone of the woman. ironic, indeed. Yoohan couldn't help but chuckle. The old heir looked more like the current Chairman than the new heirs.

"Why?" Jay smiled as he watched Yoohan laugh silently.

"It's just..." Yoohan leaned closer to whisper in Jay's ear. "Are you sure they are made by his seed?"

Jay pressed his lips to stifle a laugh. Ah, truly...his bunny was so adorable. He would have kissed Yoohan if he didn't think the young man would sulk and deny him a better thing later. So he held back and satisfied himself by playing with Yoohan's fingers. "Unfortunately, they are his sons; there's a paternity test and everything. Although, well..."

"People will still talk, huh?"

Yoohan swept his gaze across the room. If there was something he found out after looking into the world of the rich, it was that they had an even higher penchant for rumors--especially the scandalous one. Perhaps they were too bored with their perfect life, so even little stuff like who buys what and who goes where circulated quickly among their circles.

Something about succession and credibility of lineage?

Well, a delicious tea is what that is. Yoohan could see people were whispering among themselves, sneering too.

"Right, people are still talking even now," Jay stroked the back of Yoohan's hand fondly. "Not in front of them, of course, but it never died down. They talked about Mother too, after the divorce. But once that man started going around with the new wife and a son that's not so far in age with me, the talk shifted to him and the new wife."

Yoohan thought it must also help that the Madam left the country. After more than a decade, people would probably forget that she was once that man's wife--especially because she came with her own empire rather than using a husband's name for clout in high society.

A queen could be a queen without the need for a king, after all.

Yoohan looked at the Madam, who didn't seem to realize those people's appearance until some people who had been talking to her made an excuse and left. She glanced at the Hans then, and made a little smirk. Yoohan glanced at the people who probably left because they didn't want to be seen as 'favoring' a side, and the Madam must know about this too.

Her smile stretched a bit wider when she locked eyes with the Hans for a few seconds. Yoohan could see the wife was making a disdainful expression, the pretty face contorted before she turned her face away. The sons...hmm, Yoohan was pretty sure they were looking at Jay, because they were frowning deeply in just a second--and Yoohan could hear the madman sneer beside him. As for the Chairman, he only glanced a little bit before the organizer led them to a table that was located on the opposite side of Yoohan's table, as if trying to keep them as far away as possible from each other.

Babysitting Mafia Is More Than Just Wearing a Bunny SuitWhere stories live. Discover now