Babysitting is about accepting your charge's mischief

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Yoohan used to think that Madam Yoon was scamming him when she said she needed a babysitter--after all, what kind of babysitting it was, if the charge was older than him?

Older by the age of a kid who truly needed a babysitter.

But the more he knew Yoon Jay, the more he realized that indeed; the man needed a babysitter.

The right term for an adult would either be a caregiver or a personal assistant, but sometimes, Yoohan wondered if this man was actually a child inside.

A kid. A mischievous kid. A very naughty kid.

A very naughty kid with a toy. Toys.

Truly the epitome of a babysitter's nightmare.

And as the said manchild's babysitter, Yoohan was experiencing that nightmare in one unassuming, late winter afternoon.

"What are you doing, Secretary Lee?" the manchild tilted his propped head with a smile and curled eyes. "You seem to be quite out of it."

Shut it!--was what Yoohan wanted to say. Unfortunately, he couldn't. He was holding onto all of his wit to concentrate on anything other than his corporeal body; working out all of his willpower to not utter a single thing.

Because he knew--

He knew that he would lose the moment he unclenched his jaw and ungritted his teeth.

But the curling eyes and the charming smile on Yoon Jay's face were a high hurdle for him. Especially coupled with the teasing remarks.

"'re so quiet today, making me feel lonely," the manchild had the audacity to make a fake whine. "How boring, maybe I should play with something."

Casually, Yoon Jay took out a cute little pink bunny-shaped keyring, which was attached to a definitely-not-cute device. At least, it wasn't cute for Yoohan.

But from the way Yoon Jay stroked the button on that device...people would think it was the most lovable toy in the world.

"Fuck--put that ba--aah..."

Yoohan slammed his fist against the desk, gripping the edge of the expensive wooden work while hissing through his gritted teeth. The black eyes glared at the manchild with vengeance, but vengeance was only a fantasy if he couldn't even afford to stand straight.

"Tsk, tsk, can Secretary Lee be this sloppy," Yoon Jay shook his head. "What happened to your posture, hmm? Why are your legs shaking? Why aren't your back straight?"

Oh, if only he had strength in his fists. Yoohan would already kiss those cute dimples with them.

"Come on, Secretary Lee," the manchild flashed a charming smile and cooed with the sweetest voice. "Were you not saying it's nothing?" a crisp chuckling sounded, followed by a low, almost whispering voice. "Were you not saying you won't feel anything from it?"

Like a taunting child usually did, Yoon Jay laughed in delight when Yoohan snarled in response.

Once again, Yoohan cursed under his breath. This time, however, toward himself.

Because how?! How could he still fall into this kind of trap even after knowing it was never good to answer to the manchild's taunt?

How could he never learn?!

Because he was stupid, that was why.

* * *

This stupidity started on the same unassuming evening on a rather chilly weekend.

Babysitting Mafia Is More Than Just Wearing a Bunny SuitWhere stories live. Discover now