Babysitting is learning about each other (2)

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For a week, Yoohan could taste the freedom of his own bed. He could sleep without feeling as if something was suffocating him. He didn't have to wake up with the sweltering heat of another man's temperature sticking to his back.

If he felt it was a bit colder than usual, no one needed to know.

He enjoyed his freedom, relaxedly studying without a worry of questioning whether he would wake up with a huge child attached to his back again or not. And perhaps because his mood was better, he improved a lot in his training. He also didn't have to endure an irritating journey in the same car with Jay, because as a part of their deal, Yoohan would either go with the other staff, or get into the Madam's car.

And it was, of course, much much peaceful in the Madam's car.

No annoyingly nice voice kept asking him for random trivia knowing he had no knowledge about them. No infuriatingly cute dimples flashed as the man suppressed his laugh from Yoohan's equally random wrong answer.

Why did he keep answering anyway? Ugh—

"I don't have an appointment this afternoon, so let's have lunch together, Yoohan-ah," the Madam said when they arrived at the lobby and Yoohan had to go to the training center.

Yoohan paused—it wasn't his first time getting invited to lunch with the Madam, but usually, there was also someone else there. He narrowed his eyes and asked cautiously. "Will that wa..." he stopped himself on time and cleared his throat. "Ahem—will Young Master be there?"

The Madam chuckled; she definitely had heard enough banters between Jay and Yoohan to know what the younger man usually called Jay. Anything but his name. "No, he's the one who has an appointment," she shook his head and pinched Yoohan's chin lightly. "So let's have a date, the two of us."

"Yes," Yoohan bowed his head low, not only because he was a lowly employee, but also because he needed to hide his twitching lips that wanted to stretch into a smile. And probably a slight blush. "Have a nice day, Ma'am."

The Madam pouted at Yoohan's formal reply and sighed as she entered the elevator.

Yoohan only straightened his back once the elevator door completely closed, and smacked his cheeks to stop himself from grinning.

No, Lee Yoohan! Control yourself! She is not your mother!

After chiding himself enough and regaining his poker face, he came to the HR Department's floor to continue his training, and was told that he would be ready to finally shadow Executive Director Yoon Jay once the young master came back from his business trip. the wacko was on a business trip? Yoohan didn't even know since he had avoided the man ever since that...shooting bet.

Wait...did that man make the bet because he knew he would be out of town anyway?

Motherfu—no, that curse didn't sound right, let's not do that.

Anyway, after spending a good chunk of his time thinking about how annoying the young master was although he already told himself to get the man out of his mind, it was lunchtime. And Yoohan found himself in this traditional Japanese restaurant with traditional-style rooms.

He sat face-to-face with the Madam in one room while the Madam's secretaries and bodyguards were in the next room, divided by a sliding door. The place felt calm, with minimalist, monochromatic decoration, with one side of the sliding door opening up to a small koi pond and zen garden fenced by neat bamboo trees.

And it would be very peaceful if it wasn't for all the food in front of him.

Beautiful, pretty spread that he had no idea if he could even eat them. Was that flowers? Could he eat flowers? Gold leaves? Was this even edible? Why so many vegetables? What about the meat? Why were there so many plates in so many shapes? Why was there a motherfucking boat on the table?!

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