Chapter 19

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I managed to convince Chan that we should take the stairs down since we'd be sitting for hours again today

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I managed to convince Chan that we should take the stairs down since we'd be sitting for hours again today. He agreed, and we handed our suitcases off to security and headed to the stairway.

Our footsteps echoed as we walked and Chan didn't say much. He didn't even make me hold his hand.

"It's about a 12-hour drive so we won't get in until around midnight," he informed me.

"And you'll still perform tomorrow night?" I would be exhausted from maintaining a schedule like this.

"We will all probably sleep in more than usual. After the show, we're taking an overnighter to our stop in Atlanta."

"We're going to spend the night on the bus?"

"Yeah, then we'll take a quick nap at the hotel and perform in Atlanta."

I froze on the steps and turned to Chan. "There are only 8 bunks on the bus."

"We'll figure it out," he insisted and continued walking.

I was a little nervous about what that meant. Would I be sharing with him? Once in the lobby, we lined up for the walk to the bus. They had barricades set up to keep people away from us. This time, Chan and I were up front, and I reached for his hand, not because of the contract but because I was anxious.

He squeezed it reassuringly and then the doors opened. Dimitri walked out first with Chan and me right behind him.

There weren't many people here, but I noticed that more than one person had #TeamSeungmin signs. Chan glowered at them as we walked by.

I saw the man who had threatened me in the crowd, and he scowled at the security and barricades keeping him away from me this time. When Chan and I made it to the bus, I informed Dimitri of his presence so that he could be removed from the crowd. We didn't want him to hurt anyone else here.

Once on the bus, Chan and I sat together. He continued to hold my hand, and I rested my head against his shoulder and shut my eyes. It had already been an exhausting and long day.

"Careful," Han warned. "People might think you're actually dating."

I felt Chan look at me relaxing against him, and he rested his cheek against the top of my head saying nothing in response to Han.

"I'm #TeamSeungmin," Lee Know joked once the bus began to move.

"Keep it up and you'll be #Dead," Chan replied in a more serious tone.

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