Chapter 46

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Mana and I arrived at the venue and took the box seats that Chan had sent

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Mana and I arrived at the venue and took the box seats that Chan had sent. Felix had organized one for me as well. We hadn't had time to go backstage before the show, so I'd have to find out afterwards what happened to Chan.

Megaverse began to play and the show kicked off like it normally did. Chan seemed to be in his usual spirits so, whatever the punishment was, it mustn't have been so bad. He looked up at the box a couple of times and smiled. Seungmin waved at Mana, too.

The song ended, and I waited for the next one to begin. Instead of getting into formation, though, all of the lights dimmed.

Murmurs sounded through the crowd. Everyone was wondering what was going on.

"Is this his punishment? A blackout?" I asked Mana. That didn't make sense to me.

"Just wait," Mana grinned. She seemed to know something that I didn't.

The lights came back up and all of the boys were in a line by their mic stands. Chan was in the center.

He flashed a dimple up to me as the beginning of Never Ending Story began. I sucked in a breath. Fans screamed at the surprise, and I put my hands over my heart and listened to them perform my favorite song.

By the time Chan started the second chorus I was in tears.

"You knew?" I asked Mana.

"It was my idea," she smiled.

They sounded beautiful. I couldn't believe that I was getting to hear it live. After the initial shock, everyone had gone quiet to listen. It was magical.

When the song finished, the lights dimmed again leaving only a spotlight on Chan who blew me a kiss before being blacked out himself. My heart fluttered.

"I loved it," I told her. She laughed and wiped the smudged mascara from under my eyes.

"Why'd you help him?"

"He told me something secret. It doesn't justify everything he told you. But he just wanted to keep you safe. He really did think you were in danger," she explained.

"I know he did," I mumbled. I felt so torn.

They performed the rest of the setlist as normal and then Intermission came, and the prize flashed on the screen. Mana didn't pull out her phone to do hers, but I remembered that Han had wanted her to win. I hoped he still planned to rig it.

"Fill yours out," I told her.

"Why?" she asked. "We're going backstage right after."

"I can't tell you, but please do it," I pleaded.

She did. I noticed she put Seungmin as her bias this time and smiled to myself.

They then performed the first couple of post-intermission songs. They all seemed really in the zone tonight. The lights dimmed and went red.

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