Chapter 5

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I woke up a few hours later to the sound of Mana's alarm

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I woke up a few hours later to the sound of Mana's alarm. She groaned and rolled over to wrap herself in the blankets, and I reached to turn it off.

I got up and dressed and saw Felix's sweatshirt in my pile of things on the ground. Last night didn't feel real.

I picked it up and held it in my hands...definitely real, I determined as I set it back down.

I put on my leggings and a different jacket of mine and packed all of my things. I then walked over and tapped Mana on the shoulder.

"It's too early," she whined as she threw the blanket over her face.

"I have to go," I told her.

She sat up and looked at the clock. It was already 8:20.

"No, I love you too much," she hugged me and I laughed.

"I love you, too!"

"You need to come visit me in Dallas soon!"

"I will," I promised.

"And you need to text me the second you get a new phone so I know that you made it home okay."

"I'm going to be so bored on the train without my phone," I complained.

"Buy a book," she suggested. I gave her one last hug and wheeled my suitcase towards the door.

"Have a safe flight!" I called back to her and then, after double-checking that I had my ID and ticket, I left the room.

The walk to the train station wasn't too bad. It was right near MSG, so I was grateful that I didn't have to wheel my suitcase halfway across the entire city.

Stray Kids merch was everywhere as other concertgoers also boarded their trains. I wondered if any of them would have faired better last night. Maybe if I had chosen Felix I would've had a good time.

I went to the Duane Reade to pick up a book and snack for the train ride. I hadn't eaten breakfast and was beginning to feel hungry.

Once purchased, I waited for my train to be announced and went to the track they indicated. I was fortunate that I found a seat by myself. I watched out the window as I left New York City behind and headed back up to Boston.

Chan would be making the same journey today. Stray Kids had a show there tomorrow, but I hadn't had anyone who would go with me so I hadn't gotten tickets. I wondered if the prize that night would also be a Chan fan whom he shunned and embarrassed.

I read the book I had picked up for a bit but got motion sick and the words became blurry. I threw the book aside and opted to stare out the window instead.

At least Felix had been nice. I hadn't heard much from the others and decided that was a good thing. I could maintain the illusion that they were also who they seemed to be since I didn't know whether their public personas were also fake.

I still didn't understand why they bothered with the fan service in the first place. A fan would have been just as happy to have taken a picture with Felix or to have received a free t-shirt. Why a drink at the bar that required so much effort? It was super weird and red flags went up the more I thought about it.

The train made it to my stop after several hours. I was relieved that I didn't have to walk that far from the station.

I lived near Faneuil Hall and the hustle and bustle of the tourists as it was spring break for the area was annoying the weave through, but 20 minutes later, I was home. I'd need to get a new phone, but I brought my bag in first and took a nap. I hadn't slept but a couple of hours last night.

When I woke up, it was nearly 5 pm, and I cursed myself for wasting the day. I had really wanted to get more done.

I unpacked my suitcase and threw my clothes that I had worn into the washing machine figuring I could at least clean my favorite pajamas. I opted against washing Felix's jacket for now.

I then headed to check my mailbox since I hadn't been home in a couple of days. I was secretly hoping that Felix had overnighted my phone to me somehow, but there was no package. Just spam mail and bills envelope with a Stray Kids stamp?

I opened it and found a postcard of Felix's face.

Hi Ella,
I am sorry for the way Chan handled things last night. We would like to return your phone to you., but we weren't sure if your address was correct or not.

Here is a ticket to tomorrow's show. Please come!

I flipped it over.

Love, Felix

I sighed. I should be grateful for Felix's kindness, but I was annoyed at the idea of having to see Chan again. At least my outfit was already being washed, so I could wear that again tomorrow. I definitely wasn't going to buy something new just to be spoken down to.

On the plus side, I wouldn't have to buy a new phone. I trudged back upstairs and forced myself to clean my house like I had originally planned.

I'd have to text everyone tomorrow to let them know that I had made it home okay. Luckily I'd taken off tomorrow from work so that I'd have a day to regroup before diving back into business as usual. I wasn't ready to face my clients with a smile while explaining what had happened...I'd probably never tell them.

I finished the laundry and started on dinner. I just made a quick grilled cheese and tomato soup. I considered all of the ways that tomorrow could go.

...Maybe Felix would just have a guard bring me my phone since he would know where I would be sitting.

...Maybe he would invite me backstage to give it to me himself.

...Maybe Chan would be forced to hand it over.

I smirked at that possibility. I'd definitely wear my boots again just so that he'd know his teasing hadn't affected me.

And because it would be fun to piss him off.

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