Chapter 13

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I put my shirt back on and Felix opened the door to the bathroom

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I put my shirt back on and Felix opened the door to the bathroom. Chan was standing right outside and looked hurt.

"How is it?" he directed to Felix.

"She probably has a broken rib," he informed him.

Chan looked at me in concern.

"I'll be fine," I told him, and he headed off to sit down without another word.

I yawned and glanced towards the bunks wondering which I could use.

"Mine's the first one on the bottom. Take it," Chan offered as he watched me from the benches in the main cabin.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't sure," he snapped.

"Okay, thanks," I mumbled as I climbed into the bed, choosing not to antagonize him anymore. Clearly, something was wrong. Maybe he was still pissed about the Seungmin picture...

I pulled up the blankets and laid on my back to avoid exasperating my injury anymore. I felt my eyes begin to droop almost immediately as I inhaled the light scent of vanilla.


When I woke up, it was dark, or so I thought. Someone had closed the curtain while I slept. Not being ready to deal with Chan yet, I pulled out my phone.

Tons of people had sent me texts asking if I was okay. Apparently, they'd seen the videos...

I let my friends know that I was fine. I avoided texting Mana because I wasn't ready to lie to her. How could I explain that I'd gone from completely hating him to falling for him? She'd see right through the facade. Not to mention he was so hot and cold that I wasn't sure if the fake relationship would last for very long.

I heard whispered arguing near the bunk, and I turned off my phone and eavesdropped since it was clear they were talking about me.

"We need to take her to a doctor," I heard Felix say.

"Yeah, I can see the headlines now. 'Idol's new girlfriend shows up battered and bruised'," Chan snarked.

"At least let the medical staff take a look," Felix pleaded.

"What could they do anyway? It would have to heal on its own regardless. Just leave it."

"Chan..." Felix argued.

"I'm not going to allow her to have people thinking I hit her."

"She wouldn't tell them that."

"It doesn't matter what she tells them. That's what people will think," Chan argued.

"Chan, please. She's going to be with us for months. Let's at least take care of her."

"Especially if you're still planning to have her wear those outfits I saw the team packing," Hyunjin added.

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