Chapter 53

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Chan POV

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Chan POV

I opened my eyes but the lights were too bright and I grunted in annoyance. I slammed them shut again and covered my face to try to motivate myself to move while hiding from the literal sun that had somehow made its way into the hotel, but I felt too nauseous.

How much did we drink last night?

I rubbed my head and face, slapping my cheek, and finally found the courage to open my eyes again. The first thing I noticed was that the room was a disaster. Taco Bell sauce packets and taco bits were everywhere. One of Ella's boots was in the couch...not on the couch, in it...and I had no idea whose shirt I was wearing but it smelled ripe.

I'd fallen asleep in the office chair for some reason, and Seungmin was in my bed. Mana and Ella were asleep in the other one.

At least everybody was accounted for.

I got up and clicked the lights off as I made my way to get a bottle of water from the mini-fridge. The least I could do was make sure nobody else suffered like I had.

I downed the whole bottle in one go and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. That always made me feel better when I was hungover. I had just begun brushing when I realized my beanie was lying weirdly and nearly falling off of my head. I raised my hand to fix it and saw writing scrawled across my forearm in what looked to be marker.

"What the hell?" I raised my arm to examine it closer and found that Seungmin had signed "Seungmin wuz here".

I rolled my eyes and finished brushing. Thanks to the minty flavor, I felt better already. I found Advil in my bag and popped a couple to deal with my excruciating headache before rejoining the others.

Mana was awake when I came back. She seemed to be faring a lot better than me and was sitting up, scrolling through her phone. Still, I handed her water from the fridge.

"Thanks," she appreciated and took a sip. She gazed up at me as I plopped back into the seat, clenching my stomach. "You don't look so good," she laughed.

The noise woke up Ella, or Ella had been pretending to sleep because of how hungover she was. She covered her ears with a pillow and groaned. I got water for her as well, and she took it but cuddled with it instead of drinking it, letting the cold absorb into her. It was adorable.

"I feel horrible," I whispered. "What happened last night?"

"You don't remember our foursome?" Mana asked with a shocked expression.

"Our what?" I nearly choked.

She laughed again. "I'm just kidding. You three were trashed."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I absolutely in no way ever wanted to have done that with Seungmin. "Whose shirt is this?"

"Oh! I know that one!" Mana replied
excitedly, "Once the bar closed we came back downstairs and played truth or dare. Seungmin dared you to steal something from Lost and Found."

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