Chapter 66

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Chan and I stood in front of the mirror admiring each other

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Chan and I stood in front of the mirror admiring each other. My back was against his chest, and he pressed me against him with a hand on my stomach. I didn't feel as self-conscious as I had earlier. I was sure that if he had anything to say about it, I'd never feel that way ever again.

His hips swirled against my bum behind me, and I knew he was hard. I also knew I was wet...and wearing the very revealing lingerie he'd given me.

He dropped the hand that had the ring on it to my side. He brought his hand up my arm with one finger tracing a trail lightly across my skin. I shivered at the feeling. It moved further up my shoulder and his fingers settled on my neck. I held my breath.

They remained there for just the briefest of moments before he used a long finger to turn my head to the side.

He was waiting for me and caught my lips with his for a short kiss. "I love you so much, baby," he breathed as he pulled away.

"I love you, too," I confessed. I turned around so that I could stand fully in front of him. Chan's hands adapted and reached around to hold my backside instead. He playfully squeezed my bum, and I squealed.

He grinned at the response and kissed me softly again.

"I've never been in love before," I confessed.

"I don't think I have either," he admitted. "Nothing has ever felt like this. Nobody has ever mattered more to me."

Everything had gotten so real so fast. How could we have just met like two months ago? Were we moving too fast or had Chan been right? Were we going at our own pace? I didn't see a future that didn't involve him anymore. Every dream I had for my life included him now. I was scared of how not-scared I was about that. I was so sure.

I wrapped my arms around Chan's waist under his jacket and hugged myself to him. I just wanted to feel as close to him as I possibly could. If it was humanly possible for me to melt into him, I'd do it.

His hands moved from my ass to my lower back as we savored the sweet moment. I set my head against the skin of his exposed chest. His heart pounded loudly against my ear.

"I should've asked you to marry me in a more romantic way. I should've had a grand gesture to show you how much you mean to me. Our friends and family should've been there. I did it all wrong," he shook his head, disappointed in himself. I recalled the elevator and everything he'd said to me. All of the sweet words.

"Don't regret it. It was private and sweet and a moment just for us. It was perfectly spontaneous," I kissed his cheek to reassure him.

"I'll get you a better ring then with a diamond bigger than any you've ever seen before," he promised, looking at the one on my finger.

I hid my hand behind my back. "No, you won't. I want this one."

Chan smirked. "That one? You can have any ring in the whole world, and you want that one?"

"Yes, because now it's important to me." I pouted. "It's the best ring I've ever worn."

Chan laughed and shook his head. "If you love it, then it's yours."

I brought my hand back and laid it across his chest. It looked so pretty and like it had been made for me.

"I wonder what STAY will think," I pondered. They hadn't liked me much and some had already accused me of rushing things.

"Maybe we can announce it at the show. That way they'll know," he suggested.

"They'll think I forced you," I frowned.

"Maybe I'll fake propose again, so they know it's my idea." I looked at Chan who was smiling as he imagined it.

"Or we could keep it secret from them," I fretted. "What if they hate me even more?"

"I can't do that, baby. I want to shout it out the window right now. I want to tell everyone." He pulled me closer. "If they hate you, they're not real STAY. Jealousy? Acceptable. Hatefulness? Not allowed. But I think it will go well."

He sounded so sure that it would work out that it made me feel more secure about the idea.

"We'll need to tell my parents before tomorrow. I don't want them to find out from the news."

"We can call them in the morning," he smiled. "I'm sure they'll love me."

"You're so cocky," I laughed. I went to walk over to the bed and nearly stumbled since I still had my heels on and was drunk-ish.

Chan caught me and held me close to him. He looked me over to make sure I was okay.

"Hey Chan," I smirked.


"I think I'm falling for you."

Chan hadn't expected the joke and stuck his tongue out as he smiled at me. He looked so fucking hot. How had I gotten so lucky?

I sat on the bed and watched as he removed his jacket and set it on a chair behind him. He then kneeled in front of me and worked to undo the straps of my heels. His eyes wandered up my body and finally met my eyes. The way he looked up at me made my heart race. He bit his lip and turned to pull off the other shoe with a flustered expression.

Once they were both thrown aside, he laid his head on my knee. I ran my fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes and hummed. He looked angelic. His lashes fluttered against his flushed cheeks. His plump lips were relaxed, and his hand wrapped itself around my calf. He looked so peaceful that it made me yawn.

"I'm tired," I announced as I laid back on the bed. Chan groaned when my fingers left his hair. He stood and removed his belt and pants before crawling onto the bed with me.

"Me too," he agreed. He laid his head on my chest, and I returned my fingers to his hair. "That feels so nice," he complimented.

The warmth of Chan beside me was making me even more sleepy. I yawned again and reached up to turn off the lamp beside us.

Chan cuddled closer into me, and my fingers continued to massage him.

"Goodnight, almost wife."

"Goodnight, almost husband."

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