Chapter 4

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"I will assume, based on appearances alone, you are related to Rebecca." The alien spoke when I wouldn't, "I know she had a child twenty-two years ago. A girl. You must be her."

I didn't confirm anything.

"I examined you while you were in her uterus."

I could feel the color drain from my face. Still I held my tongue.

"Quite a strong fetus. I thought the traveling would damage you. It's good to know I'm wrong."

I watched as he placed the clipboard on to the table with his other instruments.

"Take off your clothes."

"Excuse me?" I broke from my silent state. My voice came out in a mixture of horror, offense, and shock.

"I would like to compare specimen." He said simply, "You Sypien's are unique. It is unusual for you to look so similar. Though I noticed the differences, almost night and day now. My friends were easily tricked."

Again he said another word that I did not recognize. You Sypien's. Was that his was to say human?


"No." I shook my head looking at him like he was crazy.

"Much fussier than your mother. Not quite as scared either." He eyed me with his orange irises, "You look just like her, twenty years ago of course."

I didn't respond. In fact I started to look to his instruments. I wasn't going to take off my clothes for him to examine me like a lab project. I wondered how hard the door would be to open.

"Go ahead." He gestured behind him where my eyes were, "then when you've attack me as well I'll have a better reason for pinning you down and doing it myself."

His words made me glare in his direction.

"I don't have much patience to give out. You're lucky it's my turn today. I can call in my friends who are much crueler."

The word sent me back to what my mother had said. These beings were not kind. They did what they wanted regardless of her wellbeing.

My hesitation, though a mere second after he finished his warning, was too long for him. He took a threatening step towards me and I flinched back. One hand instinctively shot out half way, the palm facing him as if that would stop him. My eyes pleaded with him silently and he stilled. He held a look of impatient resignation. He was annoyed with my defiance and now that I changed my mind this added to that.

Swallowing an insult and tears I reached up to the buttons on my shirt. Reluctantly I started undoing them. My hands shook lightly. He was closer than before now and I feared what was to come. I tried to force them to hold steady, to not show him any sign of my fear. In the end I had to settle for not looking at him. Even when my gaze on the metal floor I could feel his orange eyes on me.

When I was done with the buttons I slipped the shirt backwards down my arms. The material seemed to take an eternity and a second to glid off. It felt slow but was over too quickly as I heard it hit the ground behind me. Naturally I caved my shoulders in so my hair could fall over my shoulders. 

My fingers moved to the waistband of my pants next. My actions were forced and they actively worked against my better instinct. It cause them to be slower. I looped my thumb on the elastic band of the pants and pushed them down. They fell to my ankles quicker than my shirt had. I hesitated with my underwear. My eyes did not pick up to meet his again. I clenched my teeth so hard I thought they might break.

"All of the fabrics." His voice broke the painful silence. It sliced through the cold air like a knife. I almost felt the impact of it over my skin.

Disgust and vulnerability washed over me. I had never felt so helpless in my life. It made a ball form in my throat that I had to swallow three times before it went away. Pulling in a shaky breath I moved my hands back to my hips, reluctantly shoving the material off me. Without having to look I pulled off my socks as well.

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