Chapter 11

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The few days went the exact same. Although I wasn't quite sure on the actual time period of things. I got up from my makeshift bed, showered, ate with a visit from Ikzo, then went back to my room. The days were extremely long and I had to do the most random things to keep my mind intact. I would sing to myself in my room, any and every song I could remember. I made myself recall anything I could from school taking time with each subject. I measured my room with my feet then braided and re-braided my hair a million times.

Today would be the same I was sure.

My thoughts would often stray to Ikzo. He was really the only contact I had with anyone. The more he spoke to me, even if I hardly said anything, the more I adjusted to his presence.

He was talkative and always friendly. Within the last couple of days he had stretched out our conversations more than usual. And I let him. He was curious about my earth life though didn't understand most of what I said to him about it. He tried to keep the conversation comfortable, his voice always light or a calming tone to it. Casual.

It still made me wonder why. I didn't understand why he wanted to speak with me. I chalked it up to he was just curious. He said he didn't have much interactions with humans, only seeing them from afar every once in a while. It must be more entertaining than nerve wracking for him.

One thing I did not like about my mind around him was that it noticed how attractive he was now. I had seen it when I was first placed in front of him but it was like the more my nerves settled with him the more I saw it.

I didn't like it. I rejected the thoughts at every turn, tried to remind myself he was in camouflage. He could look worse than the others. It wasn't quite the same when I was watching him speak. I think what didn't help either was that he was nice. He didn't freak me out anymore or force me to do things like the others. He made an effort to be welcoming and accommodating. Strange but nice.

The door whooshed open and I reared back a bit as the woman from earlier stood in the center of my room.

"Hye Jish Ikzo informed me you will need these today." She held a pair of black boots, almost military-like.

The first part I didn't get but Ikzo's name was in it so I assumed it was his title or something. I was pretty sure this was his estate and everyone that lived in it worked under him.

"Am I leaving?" My voice was hopeful as I moved to take them from her.


Intense relief washed over me, "Thank you." I grabbed the shoes.

She seemed confused by my sudden excitement. I had a smile on my face that I couldn't turn down and my actions were a bit more jumpy. She eyed me strangely, her cat eye pupil expanding to take me in. It minimized the purple around them. Not long after turned around and left.

I sat down on the ground, slipping on my clean fuzzy socks then the shoes. I wondered if I should change back into my pajamas, they were the clothes I came in. I considered it as I tugged on the shoes, deciding to ask Ikzo about the plan first then choose.

Jumping up from my spot I walked quickly down the hall towards the dining room. I usually took my time walking because it wasted it but now I was eager to go home. I nearly missed Ikzo waiting in the entry way, so focused on getting to the room he usually met me in.

"You are excited." He appeared puzzled.

"That woman said I was going home today." I told him something he knew.

His eyebrows scrunched together, "Why would she say that?"

"Because I am?"

"No." he corrected and my face fell a bit, "They are still hovering."

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