Chapter 36

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"Then we do the handprint thing and that's it, ugh can you get this for me?" I stopped trying to clip the back of the dress when I got to my waist. It was impossible to get the tiny little hooks in their slots.

He laughed, "Yes." I dropped my arms to my side as he grabbed each side of the fabric to close it together, "And yeah the document is signed then usually the Hye Jish's and Jisha's that are there eat together. Sometimes they choose not to. It's expected of the pairing to leave after and remain together for several days. During that time they aren't seen out, adjusting I guess."

I felt him move up my back, the fabric stretching skintight over me, "We might have to wait on that, at least until later tonight."

I heard another chuckle from him, "That's fine Xi Roxi." He finished the top of the dress, "I know you're probably sore."

That was an understatement. I could still feel him when I moved around.

"It's done." He pulled his hands away.

I brought my fingers up to brush the back of my neck. The dress was tight all the way to my knees with long sleeves. The collar came all the way up to the top of my neck. The color was pretty though. It was iridescent so it rippled multiple colors like green and pink along with the white. The material was slick to the touch.

I turned around eyeing the suit he wore. It was shaped like his normal one but matched the color of my dress. Traditional he explained.

"Thank you." I said then as I started to braid my hair, "I don't understand how they expect anyone to do that themselves."

"Usually their friends or parents are helping them." He explained, "And technically we're not supposed to see each other yet."

I raised my eyebrows, "Bad luck huh?"

He nodded, "That's what they say. I think it has more to do with accidentally seeing more of someone before the pairing. Two rules we've broken." He jokingly scolded at the end.

I sent him a look, my voice holding humor too, "Says the man who broke the first one." I pointed out, "You weren't supposed to kiss me remember?"

He didn't look called out at all, more happy and smug, "Yes I remember." His eyes watched my hands finish with my braid then picked up to mine, "A decision I'd happily make again."

I smiled. I agreed wholeheartedly with that statement. In fact, if I knew then what I did now I probably wouldn't have ripped away from him.

With both of us dressed and ready we headed down into the main city to a building I hadn't been to before. It was smaller than the others, only one story with three short steps guiding up to the pale yellow doors. The building was white but almost looked matte, not shiny like the others.

Ikzo held my hand as we walked up. It was hard to do because of the way the dress fit. I ended up reaching down and picking it up until we got to the top.

Ikzo opened the door for me but we went in together.

Inside was close to two dozen people, all Occollans. My eyes darted around as we passed them. I didn't recognize any of them at first. Some looked begrudgingly accepting while others just appeared curious. A few of the women smiled at me which I returned instinctively. A relieved smile spread across my face when I saw one familiar person. Pher. He was standing towards the front with a look that told me he was thinking, 'I'm hardly surprised the crazy's showed up'.

I didn't even make a face at the look, just happy I knew one other person here. Ikzo was my main support, the only one I really cared was here. But knowing one than more person, especially with some of the others not liking the fact I was here, helped.

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