Chapter 13

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Ikzo POV

The Kyski shifted on her shoulder as we walked further into the jungle. It had hopped from my hands to hers within a few minutes of her rubbing on it. Now it sat happily perched near her neck.

My mood was incredibly lightened with the previous events. Not that my mood was down earlier however it was more neutral. I was glad with her content regarding the creature and that she seemed to settle just a touch more. I knew she wouldn't be here much longer; in fact it wouldn't be more than two human weeks and the others would retreat. They were holding out longer than usual with her and I knew why. She interested them, in a more dangerous way than she did me. They wanted to experiment on her, more than they already had which I was hoping was just observing. In addition she cause trouble for them. It was an excuse for them to treat her harsher, not be as forgiving with her time in their labs. I knew they wouldn't be kind to her either if they captured her again. I was still thinking on how to keep her safe while on earth.

I cared for her. She was nice and she drew me in but it was also the decent thing to do. She was innocent. She, no one, deserved what they would want to do to her.

There were only a limited number of ways to keep them from harming her. This was one of them. Keeping her here long enough to make them disinterested again. It was a strong possibility they would just try and take her once she returned to her home planet. That would complicate things then. No one but the humans had the power to protect her there. I doubt the head leaders would do anything. They tended to protect their own and nothing more.

It would be possible to lose them on earth too. I would give her tips on how to avoid them. Then I would inform her on the best things to do if they were to come for her.

The third option, one she probably wouldn't pick, was for her to become a citizen of my planet. It would require her to stay for much longer. I knew she was eager to get back to her mother. She worried for her constantly.

The fourth, and last, choice was for her to hold some sort of title on my planet. She would have to be partnered with one of the Hye Jish's. I knew already that option was not one she would take. It would be the one that guaranteed her safety. They could not touch a Hye Jisha. However she would be required to stay permanently.

I watched as her hand came up to scratch lightly on the Kyski's small neck. It hummed out a high pitch noise and snuggled closer.

"He likes you." I commented.

She smiled in my direction, it was soft signaling she appreciated my words, "He's sweet." Her fingers brushed gently on the fur, "I was worried he would slip out of your hands and run. Or bite you." A short laugh was muffled slightly when she kept it internal.

The sound was lovely. Full of humor.

It was incredible how quickly she has relaxed from this morning. She was filled with anxiety while leaving and now I couldn't feel any major emotions coming from her. Her thoughts were calm. The tiny creature was to blame. The moment she saw it her guard dropped more than before. Her focus was finally off her survival chances. I wondered if she was like that back on earth. If one creature could soothe her worries.

My lips turned up a bit at her laugh, "They aren't easily spooked," I used her word, "Most are used to Occollan's passing through so it isn't their instinct to run. Or bite."

"Why do you think he reacted like that then?"

"Your voice," I responded, "Though you can't tell so much has different octaves than us."

"Yours doesn't sound different. I mean lower of course but that's normal."

I wasn't sure how to explain it to her, "Yes I guess it does sound normal to you."

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