Chapter 9

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As my mind came to my body stretched out of its tense position. My muscles ached from not shifting in the night and my hip bone and shoulder was sore from the hard floor.

I pushed myself up, groaning lightly before moving my body around in attempts to ease the ache. I stretched my arms up towards the ceiling listening to my back crack.

Suddenly the door pushed open making me jump up so fast my head spun.

"My apologies," The same woman who opened the front door spoke, her purple eyes taking in my stated then flickering to the floor, "I thought you would be ready by now."

"Ready for what?"

"The day." She said like it was obvious.

She stepped in and only when she jutted the fabric in her hands towards me did I notice she had anything.

"This is your new attire. At least until we can wash those." She hinted to my pajamas.

I grabbed the set of clothes, "Thanks."

She smiled and I held back my flinch. She didn't say anything more, leaving the room and turning towards the entry way.

I moved to set the material on the table so I could pick up the blanket and pillow. I put them back in their places then with the clothes went into the bathroom.

The sink was the same as the one in the cell on the red planet. It stuck out as just a bowl with a slit at the top along with a button. The shower was different. It had no curtain or glass though the floor slanted towards a drain. A foot above my head was a large slit in the wall that I guessed water poured out of. Folded on the edge of the sink was a towel. Next to it was what looked like a toothbrush and toothpaste. The container was silver while the brush had all its bristles on the top. There was a toilet in here too. Thankfully it resembled close enough to the earth kind.

I stripped out of my clothes hoping the woman wouldn't pop in again. I glanced down at my stomach noticing the small gash the alien doctor left. It was a bit red around the area but the blood had clotted.

I used the restroom then turned on the shower. The water that poured out was teal. I spotted two bottles full of clear liquid on a tiny shelf just on the other side of the water. Cautiously I stuck my hand towards the water, just letting the tips of my fingers graze the liquid.

It felt like water but there was the same metallic smell to it. Just as slow I pushed more of my hand into the waterfall stream. It was cold. I pulled my hand back to examine my skin. No rashes began to rise and I felt nothing but the chill of the water.

Deeming it safe I put my whole body under, hissing at the temperature. Besides the button to turn it on there was no other controls. I didn't linger on the problem. I was thankful to even have a shower.

I let the water run over my body and hair. I opened the bottles and took a whiff. It smelled like nothing.

Testing the substance I poured some in my hand. As my fingers rubbed it around it foamed. Their soap. I guess smelling like nothing was better than no soap. I used it to clean my body, face, and hair. When I felt clean I pressed the button to turn off the water.

I dried off with the towel provided. Then I wrapped it around my hair then brushed my teeth. Like the other shower products there was no smell to it. Next I worked on my clothes. The woman had mentioned something about washing them but I wasn't sure when I would get the opportunity, especially my underwear. They hadn't given me anymore.

In the sink I washed my panties then rang them out before hanging them until I was done with the others. I washed my pajamas next then draped them on the side of the sink to dry.

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