Chapter 16

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I worked my fingers through my hair staring blankly at the wall above the sink.

Yesterday had been so awkward. I know Ikzo said I shouldn't be embarrassed, that he felt similar and that should ease me, but it just didn't work that way. So the entire day yesterday I was careful about my thoughts. It obstructed our usual conversational habits.

I had breakfast, one he missed again which I was okay with. I watched my thoughts then too now that I knew the others could hear me. In my room between meals it was a bit better. With no one too close I could let my guard down.

I had time to process what Ikzo said. I wasn't sure if I should like that he thought that way. I did though. I was obviously happy he didn't put up a fake front about liking talking to me. That one was easy to accept. It was nice to know he enjoyed my company like I did his. The more than friend one was harder to swallow.

I never thought that he would react that way to me. I figured he was being helpful and kind, that he just happened to get along with me and because his personality seemed extroverted. I didn't think he'd see it as more than that. I didn't think I would see that as not such a bad thing.

I wanted to smack myself. Hard enough to rewire my brain. Ridiculous. Utterly impractical and absurd.

Today would be no different I was sure. I would monitor my thoughts, though he swore he didn't read them anymore. I still wouldn't be able to get over it if I thought anything close to what I had before around him.

In light of everything today was my last day. He truly believed they would be gone by earths nightfall so I only had a limited amount of this to bear. In a way I was sad to leave. Despite my internal battles I did like his presence. It was easy to admit I would miss the time that was calming and humorous with him.

I would be leaving someone I now considered a friend. Luckily I had squashed the attraction enough I didn't like him much more than that right now. It was more than I would have normally accepted but I should count my successes when they happened.

Walking out of the bathroom I headed towards the dining room for my morning meal. I paused when I saw him waiting in the hall.

Hope and excitement filled me making my heartbeat faster, "Is it time?" My pace was a bit quicker. I didn't think it would be until later.

He nodded, "They left the atmosphere eight starpasses ago. No sight of a return and they were headed towards their home planet."

I was going home.

"I'll go get my stuff." I jutted my thumb behind me, half turning back towards my room.

"It's already in the craft. I had it moved while you were in the other room."

I paused then started towards him again. "Okay, thanks."

He led the way out the door. "No problem."

"Should I change though?" I asked nearly halting in the doorway. "This is yours." I tugged on the collar of the suit.

His eyes dropped to my hand at the movement then immediately flashed away. "No it's fine." He closed the door behind us.

I followed after him as he led the way back to where we had first landed. Just like he had explained to me there was a medium sized craft sitting on top of the pink sand. It was black, shaped like an umbrella with lights glowing on the tips. There was a few metal steps leading up to the open door. He let me up first then turned to make sure the door closed right.

This one had minimal walking room before there was three seats near a large oval window. There were controls lighting up all across the front, some blinking while others just held a constant glow. In the center of the panel was a large screen that was black.

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