Prologue ~ Gabby

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Prologue ~ Gabby

"AH!!" I screamed. It burns?! Why am I burning?

"Come on! Two are still alive!"

I look next to me and Lizzie is motionless. No breath or rise or fall of her chest.

SPENCER!! Where is he?! Maybe they have freed all of us except for Lizzie and I.

I feel slightly cold even though there is a fire burning around me. A light has appeared near me. Should I go to it? Maybe not.

A hand takes my waist and pulls me but I resist. Wait. Why? Why am I resisting? Oh, I know why. I can't feel anything!! Okay! Legs- check. Arms- check. Face- well duh!

The hand around my waist pulls me towards the owner and everything goes black.


I open my eyes and I'm in this unfamiliar room. No, wait. It is familiar. Hospital room. I look next to me and my brother was on the bed near me with a monitor hooked up to him. So he's alive. I look around me and there is no one else in the room. Now I remember.

Our sister's birthday. Taronga Zoo. That's right. I wanted to go to the zoo. It's all my fault. IT'S ALL MY FAULT!!

I feel so stupid now. If it weren't for me being stubborn, maybe the accident wouldn't have happened.

"Okay Miss uh... Taylor. You and your brother are free to go," an unfamiliar voice said to me. "Mind you, I wouldn't do much physical work for a few weeks. And I'm sorry."

Whoa, dramatic much? I thought to myself. "What are you talking about?" I asked. The doctor looked at me sadly.

"Your parents and your sister are dead," she said simply. "They died in the accident."

And that's when reality hits me.

There is a hole and it hurts. Mum. Dad. Lizzie. All gone thanks to me.

Spencer is all I've got now.


3 weeks at that orphanage with Spencer was hell. I was in pain most of the time and the kids would not stop asking what happened to me.

During our first week there, the funeral happened. It was very private and peaceful and after we buried them, I broke down. Entirely. Spencer and Beau, Lizzie's boyfriend, tried to comfort me but nothing can comfort me. Nothing at all.

Then we went to the little celebration of their lives. My sister had just turned 21 on the 6th of February, the day of the accident. Too young to die. Why did you have to take them, God?!

When we went back to our house (for comfort), Beau broke down. Beau told me and Spence that he was going to give Lizzie a special surprise. He was going to propose to Lizzie at her birthday party later on in the evening, as her birthday gift. Poor boy. I feel sorry for him. He really loved my sister. Too bad we don't have enough time to comfort him. The people picking us up to bring us back to the orphanage are here. We can only say goodbye and good luck for the future.

We have been planning our escape since the start of our third week. Luckily, there is an outing happening in Sydney so we'll do it then. It is not that hard since they don't really care about anyone.

Who knows? Maybe something will happen to us. Maybe someone will pick us up and adopt us and take us away. I just hope and dream.

Even my friends are supporting me through these hard times. But they don't know. They don't know what it's like without their parents, how it feels without them but they help a lot.

It's time now. Time to escape.


Please vote and comment. It is my first Fan Fiction so it might just be really bad for the first 10 chapters or so.


Lena x

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