Chapter 17 ~ Grace

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Chapter 17 ~ Grace

I can't believe we're going to Australia again. I can't wait to see my mum and dad again. I've missed them so much. I feel sorry for Gab and Spence though. Coming back must be painful for the two of them. No one knows what they're going through so no one can help them. According to Gab.

I've been happy though. Zayn asked me out back when they left and I've been missing him like crazy. He has been too. Whenever I call him over Skype, the lads are complaining about how he whines. 'I wonder how Grace is. I miss Grace. I really want to call Grace but she's sleeping.' I have a really good laugh but I can't help but gush everytime at it. He looks so adorable when he blushes and it's absolutely hilarious when the lads see it. Even Gab joins me, embarrassing me in front of Zayn. She is always yelling at the camera 'I ship Zacie!' and it makes me hang my head in shame. She still does it.

"Time to pack," Gab said, walking into the room and leaning on the doorframe.

"Give me a moment," I answered, turning back to Zayn, who was on Skype. "I have to go now. See ya soon."

"I SHIP ZACIE!!" Gab yelled, punching her fist into the air. "Hey Zayn!" she says brightly, her voice back to normal.

"Is Grace talking to Zayn again?" Spencer yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah!" she yelled back. "Come on, Grace," she said, turning back to me. "We're leaving tomorrow night and we still need to pack."

"Give me a chance," I replied impatiently. "Sorry babe. She'll make me hang up now," I explained to my boyfriend.

"It's okay. Hey Gab!" he yelled past me, smiling at her. She waved at him before giving me a warning glare. "I'll see you soon," he said after Gab had left the room. "Can't wait to give you a kiss. I love you."

"I love you more," I answered, blowing him a kiss which he caught. "I can't wait to see you, hold your hand, kiss you."

"Ew!" a voice moaned from his end. "It's getting mushy."

"No one told you to listen, Louis!" Zayn yelled at the door.

"You heard that?" Louis asked in a worried voice.

"Everyone can hear you, Louis!" I yelled. Zayn started chuckling and he smirked.

"One last thing," Zayn said as soon as I was about to hang up. "How is Dylan?" He knew. Whoever didn't were blind.

"I honestly don't know," I answered truthfully. "He is packing right now and he hasn't talked to anyone since Gab told him off."

"What did he do now?" Zayn groaned.

"He made an argument with Gab about her bracelet," I explained, wanting to groan so loud. They were frustrating me. "Her bracelet was getting lost and when he found it somewhere he didn't want to, he sort of went off."

"Where did he find it?" Zayn asked, raising an eyebrow, confused.

"That's the weirdest part," I said. "It was in his underwear drawer. It's not like Gab would purposely put it there but it was there. Jake was hiding it for a joke." I bit my lip, trying to hold my giggles back. Zayn was struggling and he was biting his lip to stop it as well. "I'll see you in Australia soon, yeah?" I said with a straight face. Gab was going to come back in soon to see where I was so this call had to end.

"Of course, babe," he said, blowing me a kiss. "See ya." He hung up and I closed my laptop. Where to start? Dresses, dresses.

"Holy shiitake mushrooms," I heard Gab yell out before her footsteps came pounding down the hall. Her footsteps came to a halt outside my door and the door was thrown open. Gab was standing there with a shocked expression on her face and she walked in slowly.

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