Chapter 1 ~ Gabby

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Chapter 1 ~ Gabby

Taronga Zoo is totally the place I want to go.

This will literally be a nightmare. As if my parents and sisters deaths weren't enough. It is hell!

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked. "You look sort of..." I arched my eyebrows at him. "Well you look like you've seen a ghost!" he finished hurriedly.

"I have," I said. I felt a hand around my waist and someone squeeze my side. "Ow!" I gasped.

"Sorry," Spencer said quickly. His hands rushed to my shoulders as he quickly turned to face me. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Right, when they're all looking away, we take our chance." He looked at me quizzically. "To escape," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh!" Spencer exclaimed. Now he gets it! I thought to myself.


We took our chance. While everyone was looking at the elephants, we took our chance. Well, I did at least. I had to drag Spencer away from there. I think he's seriously gay even if he has a girlfriend.

As we ran out the gates to the ferry, Spencer and I were skipping for joy (metaphorically) because finally we were free. Free from hell!

As we ran across Sydney, I bumped into something around my height. "Oof!" I grunted. Ouch! I thought.

"Ouch," someone echoed. A girl. No, wait. A woman. An English woman. Holy crap!

"I'm so so sorry!" I exclaimed.

"No, no. I'm sorry. I should have looked where I was going," she said so politely. Funny. I thought she was going to hit me for being an ignorant child.

She looks so familiar. Maybe she visited while I was about to leave. Everyday since the accident, I've tried to forget about it all. "Do I know you?" I asked.

"Maybe. My name is Anne Cox," she said. "Does that name sound familiar to you?" she asked.

"I don't know," I replied.

"Gabby!" Spencer cried, rushing over to us. "I know how much you like to talk, but we really have to go," he said matter-of-factly.

"Where are you two going?" Anne asked us both.

"Anywhere. As long we're away from the orphanage," Spencer said. "Now I don't wish to be rude but we've really got to go. Come on, Gab."

"Wait. You two are orphans?" Anne inquired.

"Yeah," I replied. "We've been orphans for three weeks."

"Oh you poor things! Why don't you let me adopt you?" Anne suggested. She was, if I can say, very eager. "I have a daughter and a son already but they are grown up. I could use some company."

"I would like to!" Spencer said.

"What are your names?" Anne asked.

"Well, I'm Gabrielle and he's Spencer. Our last name is Taylor," I said.

"I must tell you something first," Anne said hesitantly. "I -"

"What? You're gay?" I laughed. Spencer elbowed me in the ribs. "Ow!" I exclaimed. He started laughing so I punched his arm. So he stopped -thank God- but not before pinching my sides. He knows I can't stand that.

"No. I live in Holmes Chapel, in Cheshire, England," Anne said, laughing. My mouth just dropped.

"The UK?! You live in the UK?! Near Europe?!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that's where England is," Spencer said. I hugged him. He seemed rather surprised at gesture, but nonetheless he hugged me back.

Anne cleared her throat. If she hadn't done that I would have forgotten she was there. "I'll take that as a yes," she said.

"YES!! YES!! YES!! A million times, yes!" I squealed.

"Oh, yay! This is good!" Anne replied excitedly.


I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Like I said, I will publish when I have Internet. Which is every so often.


Gabby xx

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