Chapter 5 ~ Spencer

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Chapter 5 ~ Spencer

I suddenly felt something cold on my face.

"Ooooo!" the boys said.

"You just got slapped by a girl," Louis said with a sassy tone, and I could hear him snapping his fingers.

My sister slapped me! "What the hell was that for?!" I yelled at her.

"Why do you think? Do you think I really want to hear 'In. Out. In. Out' right now. Duh, I need to breathe! I hurt!" she yelled back at me.

"Where do you hurt?" Liam asked. As he reached out to comfort her, she flinched and hid behind me. "What's the matter with you?" Liam asked, sounding rather concerned.

"N-n-nothing," Gab said. She sounded really scared behind me. "I-I'm going to go inside now. And don't..." she said to Liam threateningly as he stepped towards her, "...try and stop me," and she stormed out of the room. Everyone stood there in silence until Louis broke it.

"What did I do? Seriously?!" Louis said. "Spencer?" he said with a concerned voice. I could feel everyone's eyes on me but I didn't want to tell them. I have to. For Gab's sake.

"It's just-" I started to say until a loud scream broke me off. "Gabby," I whispered. "Gab!" I yelled, running into the house.

When I ran in, she was still screaming her head off in the bath. "What's the matter?!" I asked her. She looked at me with the most terrified and annoyed look. At that moment, all the boys crashed through the door, holding household objects, yelling. That didn't help with calming Gab down. She just screamed louder until she did something that completely confused the boys. She started laughing at them.

"Well that's not what I was expecting!" she said, struggling to hold herself together. Well, I get what she was laughing at. Harry was holding a blow-up hammer, Liam and Zayn were holding an umbrella each. Sensible men. Niall was holding a book and Louis was holding a packet of chips.

"Chips? Really?" I said to Louis. That was the last straw for Gab. She fell apart in the bathtub and if Niall hadn't been standing near her when she slipped, she could have died. Okay, not really that bad but she could've.

"What were you screaming about?" Niall said, really scared and concerned, as he picked her up and placed her on the floor. "Was there a burglar?!" At that, she giggled really hard. We actually had to wait five minutes for her to calm down enough to explain to us.

"I'm pretty sure Spencer can explain," she said, looking at me with a 'It's very obvious' look.

"Wha-" I stopped in mid-sentence. "Oh, of course!" I nodded, realising what she was talking about. "You're still scared of them?" I chuckled

"Of what?" Louis asked us both. Now it was my turn to laugh. Gab looked at me murderously.

"Stop laughing!" she yelled at me. "Everyone has an irrational fear of things. I scream my head off at insects and spiders! Okay?"

"You sounded like you were being murdered!" Niall said, slapping her softly.

"Why are you scared of spiders?" Zayn asked her.

"Because when I was a little girl I... um... I had a bad experience with a spider," she said. I remember that day.

"What happened?" Harry asked us.

"She was out the back with our mum and a redback was in the garden pot that our mum was cleaning," I explained. "The spider scuttled after Gab and she ran back in the house. I guess that's where the fear started," I said, looking at Gab while I said the last sentence.

"Yes. Well if you don't mind, my friends are coming tomorrow morning at 3am so I would like to get some sleep," she said in a serious tone.

"Okay, you go then," I said.

She nodded and walked out of the bathroom and the lads followed her. I soon went out and as I walked out of there, I heard the piano playing in Gab's room. I chuckled at the sound. It's good she was playing again because she's good. I wonder what the boys would say about that.


Well holidays start next week and I'm so excited. I have many movies I really want to watch these holidays so I'm excited.

Thanks for reading so far.

Lena x

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