Chapter 15 ~ Gabby

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Chapter 15 ~ Gabby

"You were my whole life," I mumbled. I couldn't believe I was telling him this.

"Gab..." he started to say, reaching out to touch me but I pulled away. "Please don't," he said quietly. I could hear the pain in his voice. It was like I was ripping his heart into tiny little pieces again.

"Don't touch me, Dylan," I said rougher than I expected. "Just not now." I power walked away from him, not actually knowing where my legs where leading me. I could feel him staring after me and he must have been pissed at me. I would. But I need to talk to someone. Who though?

Steph! No, she's dancing with Liam and I couldn't ask Natasha because she was dancing with Harry. Dhara! No, she's chatting to my brother and he would be suspicious. Katelyn! But she's talking to Niall and I don't trust him much. I don't want to talk to any of the lads because they wouldn't understand. I definitely wouldn't tell Spencer because he would go off and, as much as I trust Jake, I wouldn't tell him either. Cat would just tell Jake, who would tell Spencer. So who does that leave? Hmm... Grace!

I walked over to the bar where she was talking to Zayn. I grabbed her arm and dragged her off the stool. They were both surprised at my actions.

"I'm so sorry to drag Grace away, Zayn, but I have important business to discuss with her," I said quickly, dragging Grace with me towards the bathroom.

"Uh... sure," he said quietly. I swear I heard him mutter 'What is it with women these days?'. I wasn't really concentrating, I was too busy. I chucked (metaphorically) Grace into the bathroom and locked the door behind us. I stood in front of the door as I knew she might try to break out -I didn't really ask her for her consent- and I was right.

"What the heck? Let me out, Gabby!" she screamed. She tried to push me out of the way but I just pushed her back towards the sink. "What if someone needs to go?" she asked with a triumphant grin on her face.

"The toilets are out of order. Women have to use the disabled toilets," I explained calmly. She admitted defeat in her face but her body was still fighting but I could see she was trying to take her mind off it. She started pacing the room, shaking slightly. "Could you please just listen?" I yelled. That shocked me more than it shocked her. She stopped pacing and leaned against the wall.

"Go on, then," she said impatiently. I sighed deeply. How to start?

"Uh..." I started hesitantly. How was she going to react? She raised her eyebrows at me expectantly. Oh, fudge this. "Dylan kissed me," I finally said. Her eyes widened at my words and her reaction was exactly how I expected.

"You're frigging kidding me!" I shook my head at her words. "I should have known," she muttered to herself. My head snapped up at her words and she realised my reaction. Her eyes widened in fear. "I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"What do you mean by 'I should have known'?" I asked angrily as I took a step towards her. She stepped back from me, putting distance between us both.

"Uhh..." she hesitated. I took another step towards her but she didn't move. She was glued to her spot in terror. "I saw how he was looking at you tonight," she explained. "It's like he worships the path you walk."

"He does not!" I exclaimed. "But he did something else just then," I added. Now it was her turn to take a step towards me. I stepped back, avoiding her expectant glare. "He told me he loved me," I mumbled. "And I'm confused because I think I love him back," I finished lamely.

"What?" she exclaimed suddenly, making me flinch. "You're the one who broke up with him, not the other way around!" I couldn't even look at her. I heard her move closer and I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Her hand grabbed my chin softly and pushed it up. She was looking at me with some pity in her eyes. The tears started coming and Grace knew that once they start, they just can't stop.

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