Chapter 14 ~ Dylan

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Chapter 14 ~ Dylan

She was so beautiful. Too beautiful to describe. The beautiful, flowing, flowery dress that hugged her figure so well and her flawless face smiling genuinely. The chain and pendant I gave her for her 15th birthday was bouncing on her chest. She kept it. I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked like she did when I first fell for her.

"What are you gawping at? Here are your chips," she laughed. Everyone, except Spencer, looked confused. What the heck?

"Hey there, twin," Spencer said, embracing the woman, who looked suspiciously like Gab, in a hug and picking her up. She giggled lightly.

"Gab?" Niall choked. "Is that you?"

"Yeah, I hope so," she laughed. "I thought you boys were in France." Spencer released her from the hug but stayed at her side.

"We couldn't miss your birthday, Yoyo!" Louis exclaimed. "Do you think that I would, lil' sis?" he pouted. She ruffled his hair and giggled.

"Yeah, pretty much!" she answered. "Thanks, El." So, Louis' girlfriend was to thank for this.

"You're welcome," Eleanor answered.

"And of course, thank you Nat and Steph," Gab said, turning Steph and Nat, who were looking pleased with themselves. "I love you guys, you know?"

"We know, but we have something else for you," Natasha said like it was nothing. "Look," she said, pointing to the table where four girls were sitting. Gab's eyes widened. That couldn't be... No way.

"No way!" she squealed in echo. The girls turned towards us and smiled widely. They came out of their chairs and ran towards Gab. Gab met them halfway and hugged them all. I knew them. Only Dhara would wear a long dress to a club and still manage to look awesome, Katelyn, Catherine and Grace would wear strapless dresses. Grace's was a mid-thigh deep blue dress with black heels, Katelyn was wearing a pretty, rich purple dress that came to her knees with matching high heels and Catherine was wearing a gorgeous, turquoise dress with deep blue flats that made her look very different. But none of them compared to Gab. None of them could compare to her beauty. Oh, what the heck is wrong with me? I'm trying to get over her.

The girls came back over to us but I couldn't take my eyes off Gab. She was avoiding me but I was used to that. She had been ignoring me since I slapped Steph. Avoiding my eye contact and always speaking to someone else when I walk into the room. Actually, now I think about it, she has been avoiding me since we broke up. But no matter how much I am denying it, I love her. I do. So much it hurts and I can't get over it. No matter how much I try.

"Hey Dylan!" Dhara said brightly. "How are you?" She had concern in her eyes so I knew the true meaning of her words.

"Better," I answered. "I don't think I will get over it though." She nodded because she knew. Jake, Steph and Dhara were the only ones who knew.

"I know," was all she said. Jake and Cat were kissing and hugging -you know, couple stuff- and Gab had disappeared along with Natasha, Steph, Eleanor, Harry, Louis and Liam. Spencer was having a chat to Dhara and Niall was doing the same with Grace. Zayn was looking at his phone and Katelyn joined into the conversation Niall was having with Grace.

I looked around for the others and I found them dancing on the floor. Natasha was dancing with Harry, Steph with Liam, Louis with Eleanor and Gab was standing to the side. I walked over to her because she looked lonely and I didn't like it.

"Hey," I said quietly, making her tense up a little. "You look a bit lonely." She looked up at me, confused. "What?" I asked.

"I've been rude to you yet you are still talking to me," she said, confused. "I'll never understand boys." She looked back at the dance floor with sadness in her eyes.

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