Chapter 22 ~ Niall

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Chapter 22 ~ Niall

It's been one hectic week. Finding out one of my crushes was my sister was the weirdest thing that happened. I mean, ugh! That's quite... it's just... ugh! I thought I was in love with my sister! Ugh! Then, Gab couldn't come with us on tour, left Dylan with a note and ran off to the farm house that she told her ex-boyfriend about. So... all in all, a normal, average week in the life of a popstar. I've also been trying to tell Katelyn how I feel but stuff always gets in the way. By stuff, I mean management, the tour and me being a coward. Also, Harry is trying to make me jealous and flirts shamelessly with Katelyn. No one apart from the lads and I -maybe Grace and Jake- have noticed this. Yeah, Katelyn's completely oblivious.

"Harry's being a jerk, as usual," I said into the phone.

"When is he never a jerk?" Gab joked, laughing into the phone. "Seriously, I swear, Katelyn is as blind as a bat. She never seemed to catch on that this boy she had a crush on liked her back and whenever he flirted with her, she immediately flirted back but she didn't know what he was doing. She has absolutely no idea about flirting. She thinks it's just people joking."

"Really? Maybe I'd have a chance," I joked. She laughed back brightly, her laugh lighting up the whole phone. "I just can't tell her. Things get in the way and then I end up back where I started which is thinking about how to tell her."

"Just ask her out. If she says yes, try to keep private," Gab suggested. "I'm not sure whether she could handle hate."

"No one should have to handle hate. Our fans don't own us," I gritted, trying my best to stop myself from lashing out. "Eleanor and Louis belong together yet our fans don't think that. They have absolutely no idea that he is the happiest man on Earth because of her."

"They take the 'Larry' relationship a bit too far," she said so seriously. "Eleanor just lights up his world like nobody else," she mused.

"Don't do that. That's just weird," I chuckled. She laughed at herself. "Quoting one of my songs is just crazy."

"It's not. It shows I care about your music," she scolded. "Hate doesn't have to go too far," she continued seriously. "I mean, didn't you and Harry receive some hate?"

"Yeah, a bit," I sighed, remembering those days. They sucked so much but I got over it and it died down. Harry had a bit worse than me. It was scary. People hated him over Twitter and it was for no good damn reason. Those days, everyone of us felt helpless because our friend was upset and we didn't know what to do. We couldn't necessarily tweet 'Stop f***ing bullying Harry. You don't know him' to all our fans. Management would have all of our asses.

"I cried during that mini movie that came on TV," she said. "It was called 'A Year in the Making'. I cried when Harry said that. I was going through some bullying, obviously not as bad as him, and I really just... felt for him. I literally bawled my eyes out."

"Really?" I asked surprised. She was a fan of us?

"Yeah. My si- I mean, Elizabeth got me into you guys and we watched that together," she said, cutting herself off at the start.

"Oh! That's really weird," I chuckled. "My own sister was a fan of us before we even met."

"I found it weird that you had a crush on me before you found out I was your sister," she mused. "I mean, ickle Niall had a cwush on his wittle sister," she cooed.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't flatter yourself," I grumbled, making her laugh. "So ask her out, take her to dinner and make sure it's private, tell her?" I checked.

"Yeah, pretty much!" she chirped. "Anyway, my lunch is cooking so I need to go. I love ya, bro!"

"Love ya and we'll talk soon, right?" I asked, ready to hang up.

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