Chapter 18 ~ Steph

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Chapter 18 ~ Steph

Going to the beach with eight hot shirtless guys? Yes please! Who would miss the opportunity to see One Direction shirtless? Not me!

Louis called the driver seat so that means Gab got to call shotgun. They raced each other to the van and Louis got the driver side. That means he is going as slow as anything. And by as slow as anything, he has been close to getting pulled over by police. Everyone decided on telling him to move over and let someone else drive. As usual, Gab got her way and drove us the rest of the way to the beach. On the plus side, she didn't need to ask which way to go at every turn because she knew her way around. Louis didn't.

"Here we are!" Gab announced, unbuckling her seatbelt and grabbing her bag. She opened her door and jumped out. Louis copied her and soon the door opened for us. Gab was standing there, holding it opened. "Come on! The beach can't wait forever, you know!"

"Let's go!" Louis yelled as he ran towards the beach. Gab smiled at us before chasing after him and chucking her thongs at him. It was quite hilarious to watch.

The beach was private for us which means that we wouldn't get bombarded by fans. Gab and Spencer's parents bought a holiday house ages ago so they basically owned the beach. It was still in their possession as a young couple rented out the house while they were away. It was very secluded but open. This was actually where Gab and Spence had their 15th birthday party. We stayed in the house for the night and it was quite cosy but spacious. Very homey.

I hopped out after everyone had gone and slipped off my thongs. I immediately felt the sand beneath my feet and between my toes. It was one of those feelings you just have to love. I knew I was home at once. I ran after all of them and laid my towel close to the stuff everyone brought. I slipped out of my shorts and singlet, revealing my floral bikini underneath. Not time to go into the water yet, I thought. Later.

"Oh! It's cold!" Gab exclaimed as her head popped out of the water. She was already soaking so I could only assume she dived. "It's lovely!"

"You should have waited for me!" Dhara scolded as she walked into the water with Natasha, looking natural in her simple navy-blue one-piece swimmers. Gab just shrugged. Spencer was chuckling next to her, already soaked and Jake was with Cat, a little bit far off from us. Dylan was standing with his feet in the water and I have no idea where the lads are.

"Hotties have to look this awesome!" Louis announced cockily as the five boys walked towards us. Wow! I mean like... Wow! Boy! Do they have abs? Yes! Marvellous six-packs. I cannot stop staring.

"So that means I'm hotter than you?" Gab replied cockily. He rolled his eyes and ran towards the water, tackling her in the process.

"No one is hotter than us," he said, shaking his hair of the water.

"I beg to differ," Natasha said, slyly eyeing Harry from the distance. I rolled my eyes at her while I saw Louis waggle his eyebrows at her.

"Has Hazza caught the eye of a very special lady?" he smirked at her with Gab.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, turning away from them. Maybe I should go to them in the water.

"Steph! You coming in?!" Gab yelled at me, watching me stand up. I nodded, staying silent as I turned to put my friendship bracelets in my bag. It was very valuable to me as it was to Gab and Natasha. We gave each other friendship bracelets back in Year 8, signifying that nothing was ever going to come between us. It was precious and it meant the world to me. I walked towards the water and stepped in. It was cold but lovely for a hot day. It was spring and it just felt like summer again. I could feel someone's stares on me but I didn't bother to turn around.

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