Epilogue ~ Gabby

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Epilogue ~ Gabby

*Five months later*

Everyday, I go through the same things. The same abuse and I now know how children of physical abuse feel. Quotes and music are the only things left I completely trust. My brothers... I've just given up. I can't do this anymore.

Life is just cruel to me and I don't know why. Why? What have I ever done to you?

I know that my friends will never give up on me. They will search the entire country for me but they won't succeed. I will never forget them and I swear, on my life, I will protect them, no matter what the cost.

To Louis, Zayn, Liam and Harry, you are all special. I made a promise -a promise you'll never hear- to you that I will continue my fight. Unfortunately, I'm about to break that promise. I can't continue a fight when I'm too weak to put one up. My memories are coming back now but they don't know. When they find out, I know that only one thing in my mind will stay.

To all my friends, we're crazy, we're musical, we're melodramatic, we're lots of things. I promised to you that I will remember you. No matter what they did for me to forget my memories, I will never forget you guys. You are all unique in your own ways and you all have something special. I know that two of you are somehow involved but I don't care. Your decisions are your decisions, not mine. Your choices, no one else's.

Niall, Spencer and Dylan, how much I love you guys. I love you more than what what life has taught me. Which is a lot. You're Irish, Niall. You're Australian, Spence and Dylan, you're American. Different parts of the world in your blood but you have one thing in common. You all love me, whether in a brotherly way or a romantic way. I want to see your faces again but this is the end for me. I love you so much.

The one thing that will always be on my mind, no matter what happens to my memories, is that I want to kill myself. I need to. I've put up a good fight... Hell, I put up my best fight but it still isn't enough. I love my life but I've realised that my friends make it so much better for me. Without them, I'm lost like I am now. I'm so lost and I don't know how to put up with it anymore.

This is my goodbyes on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that will very soon be burnt. I need to let all this out while I can because tomorrow, I'm leaving. For good. The memories will go and won't come back for another few months. So... I guess...

I love you all so much. You have all taught me life is worth living but I don't know if I can continue once I remember. Please know I am grateful for you all and you are amazing. Thank you so much, my wonderful family!

Gabby Taylor xx


This letter was never found. It was burnt by Gabby in her last days of her capture. The next letter was written by Gabby a few days after and is a collection of her quotes.


"Love is like fire. It can hurt and burn but keep you warm and alive."

"Don't let your fear of falling keep you from flying."

"The best kind of love is with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time."

"Nothing is permanent in our wicked world - not even our troubles." ~ Charlie Chaplin.

"Flames burn bright as long as you keep them going. Try as hard as you can and you never know. You might succeed."

"Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away."

"Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom." ~ Aristotle.

"Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."

"Life is like a camera. FOCUS on what's important, CAPTURE the good times, DEVELOP from the negatives and if things don't work out, TAKE ANOTHER SHOT."

"We are all alone. We may not realise it but we are, we are alone in our minds throughout our time until we die."


These were always kept close to Gabby and were never found. Until one day...


It is lame. I sat and thought does the epilogue make sense? Is it going to go anywhere? So I came up with this idea. I thought it was quite good.

This takes place after the start of Take Me Home. I will tell you where it would have been so you will know.

Sorry for leaving this so late. I've had 6 assessments that are all due within the last weeks of term and my mind is all... *imitates explosion* filled with school stuff.

I have to thank all of you guys reading of course. Without you, it would be impossible. Thank you, One Direction for existing because this book will most definitely have been impossible. To 1DVSIMSHarryS for telling me to get this app. You're my best friend and you are awesome. To CruiseQueen_69 thank you for helping me write some things when I got writer's block. You are my other best friend and you are just amazing.

I will have a One Direction series coming out soon so stay tuned for that. That's all I really have to say. Thank you and finally, this book is completed. This is LenaHudson signing out of her first ever fan fiction.

Lena x

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