Chapter 24 ~ Steph

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Chapter 24 ~ Steph

"Well, I believe -and my suspicions have been confirmed- that..." I took a huge dramatic pause to add effect to my words, like Gab told me to. "...Dylan and Gab are back together," I breathed, finally letting it off my chest.

Everyone just gaped at me in shock, Louis and Niall dropping their phones at different times. The phones landed in their laps with a gentle thud and I swear it echoed through the room.

"Guys? Hello? React, guys!" Gab said desperately. No one spoke and they hardly moved an inch until Natasha did. She stood up, walked over to stand in front of Dylan with a hard look on her face and placed her hands on her hips.

"If you break her heart one more time, you don't even want to know what will happen," she threatened, pointing a finger at him. He sat there in shock, a terrified look dominating his face. He gulped as she waved her finger in front of his face.

"If I do, I would kill myself for you," he managed, gulping as he looked her dead in the eyes. He knew -we all knew- when Natasha threatens you, she means it. She will kill you if she told you she would.

"That's all I wanted to hear!" she said brightly, moving her hand away from him. He breathed freely as she walked back to her seat and plopped herself down.

"Anyone else?" Gab asked, furrowing her eyebrows in concentration.

"Same thing, really," Niall said menacingly. "If you hurt her, in any way, you will answer to me," he threatened, pointing menacingly at Dylan. What is it with people and fingers today?

"Understood," Dylan gulped, staring at the finger. Gab hit her head and shook it, placing her head in her hands.

"Brothers," she mumbled, running a hand through her hair. "There is something else though," she added, snuggling into Dylan's side.

"I knew someone was pregnant!" Louis exclaimed, jumping out of his seat. We all stared at him, wondering why he thought that. "I'll just shut up now," he mumbled helplessly, sinking back down in his seat. There is something seriously wrong with that kid.

"Yeah, you should," Gab said slowly. "Anyway, as I was about to say before I was rudely interrupted," she continued, looking back at all of us, "we've been following you around for the few days before you found us. The masquerade people-"

"That was you?" Katelyn asked, leaning forward.

"Yeah, it was," Dylan chuckled. "I'm surprised you didn't recognise us. We were trying to make it a little obvious." Gab laughed with him, her smile reaching past her eyes as she looked up at Dylan. "After that, we didn't try to make contact with you guys but we decided on orchestrating an argument between the two of us. We tried to make it seem like we hated each other, we had absolutely no feelings for each other and it worked but it sucked."

"We are good," Gab bragged, lifting up her hand for a hi-five. Dylan gladly returned it, hugging her tighter.

"You little pranksters!" Zayn tried saying seriously but ended up laughing. "You even had Louis fooled and he's not easily fooled," he mused, patting Louis' head.

"I guess that means I'm not the leader anymore," Louis pouted, pretending to take off a hat.

"Oh, believe me. I hated it as much as Dylan," Gab said quickly. "I had to be different and make it seem like I was PMS-ing. I hate that! It's no fun," she pouted, folding her arms. Dylan just gave a small chuckle before kissing her head softly. She blushed at their little PDA but smiled so brightly. There was the smile I hadn't seen for months.

"Tone down the PDA," I joked, covering my eyes. I heard Gab snort at my words so I uncovered my eyes to see her challenging me.

"Why don't you? I mean, before..." she smirked, trailing off as she pointed to Liam and I. I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks again as she smiled triumphantly at our reaction. "Case closed," she sighed, bringing her arms up to the back of her head.

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