Chapter 13 ~ Liam

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Chapter 13 ~ Liam

I have invited them to stay with us and they accepted. All the girls -apart from Gabby- accepted immediately. Gabby accepted only after she and Spencer had asked Anne and she said yes. But she thought that all the lads and I had too many responsibilities and asked Harry whether they could stay at the flat where we used to live. Obviously, we said yes. I mean, having them living near us was better than them living where we only visited once a year.

They all moved in last week and we have been rehearsing everyday for the past week for the upcoming tour. We've invited them to fly to only a couple of the locations we are going to, including Australia. They are looking forward to going back to Sydney. They're already planning on going back to Parramatta, where they lived. That's not going to be until October, anyway. Always good to plan ahead, as my mother always said.

They came over our flats sometimes and other times we would go over their flat after our rehearsals. Today was no different. We went over to their flat after the rehearsal and had a little mini party. Pre-party for Gab and Spencer. We weren't going to be there until we asked management to give us a couple days off in France. We can't miss out on their birthday, especially if it was our friends. We are to be another one of their surprises along with the girls. Only difference is that we will already be there.

After having a few drinks (not alcohol), we sat down in random places, having our own conversations. Louis and Gab were listening to her music while making up the weirdest dance moves for a couple of songs. Harry and Natasha were having a little conversation, Natasha blushing every time he looked in her eyes. He realised what he was doing but he didn't stop. Zayn and Niall were having a mini eating contest where Zayn was losing. The other boys were talking about football, arguing over who was better, Manchester or Chelsea. I was having a lovely conversation with Steph, who, I found out, hates spoons.

"Why do you hate spoons?" I asked, genuinely just curious. She blushed lightly at my question.

"It's quite stupid..." she mumbled, looking away from me.

"Tell me. I'll tell you mine," I offered. She bit her lip and looked at me. I think that just talking to her, I was forgetting that I was in love with Gabby. She was beautiful in her own little way. Her hair was silky and she had a short temper. I saw her when she was angry and I don't think I would want to get on her bad side. She was a rough, tough girl who goes shy around me. That's what makes her so adorable. "I'll go first, okay?" I offered. She nodded shyly. "When I was a little boy, I used to hate eating with a spoon. The only way mum got me to eat with a spoon was saying 'Here comes the airplane'. I had seen a plane on TV and I was terrified of them. That made me think that every spoon was a plane. Stupid, I know," I said, rolling my eyes. She giggled at the comment and rolled her eyes slightly too.

"My one is even stupider," she giggled. I motioned for her to go on. "Okay! I was listening to my favourite band with one of my friends and she said that the person I liked hated spoons so I did. But I hated spoons after that. I was using a spoon when I was eating ice cream and a bug crawled on it so I had to get another spoon but it didn't take the image away. I had a nightmare about it later that night and I couldn't wake up. I was terrified and I've only told Gab this," she breathed deeply and sighed. "Oh! I shouldn't have told you! Forget I said it!" she started panicking.

"Mine's more stupid, okay?" I said reassuringly, grabbing her shoulders. Just touching her was like electricity. A jolt went through my body at that one touch of her.

"Let's play something!" Louis suddenly yelled. He scared everyone, including me, apart from Gabby. She was just giggling at his little outburst and our reaction. I think someone slipped her alcohol...

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