Chapter 3 ~ Gabby

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Chapter 3 ~ Gabby

Thank the heavens that we were adopted a month ago. As soon as we got to Cheshire, we had to finish off Year Twelve and the GCSEs. Anne said her son was over in Ireland and her daughter Gemma was introduced to us very briefly.

Anyway, Year Twelve is finally over so we're free. At least until we start uni in 15 weeks. That's why Natasha, Stephanie, Dylan and Jake are coming to England. They are going to go the same uni as us. Spencer and I got a scholarship to the University of London and the others got scholarships as well. They will be coming over as soon as they finish their HSC exams.

Spencer and I kept to ourselves at school and almost every single girl -every girl who was single, at least- tried to hit on Spencer. He ignored every single one of them. When I was in class they kept on saying how hot he was and asking me whether he was single. Well, I would say to them, I'll tell you that he isn't single. Thank you teachers for giving them detentions for talking. I lied to them, in fact he is single, but the reason I lied was because the girls who kept on asking me were bitches. Though the teachers didn't know what happened to us, they were sympathetic for some reason. The only way we could get through the day is by FaceTiming our friends. They actually live in the same apartment building so they come to one room and talk to us using their Macs and we use ours.

I still have burn marks all over my body but no one here has actually seen them except for Spencer, as he has the same scars. They still hurt if someone touches them but not as much. There were times when it used to hurt so much when we first came here that I would crawl into Spencer's bed just for comfort. He would come into my room as well and crawl in to my bed. I'm glad I have a twin even if he is my best, best mate.

So Anne is out and so I'm in the kitchen wearing my favourite big t-shirt I slept in (it has my favourite Marvel superheroes on the front), eating Nutella with a spoon. I was leaning on the counter with my phone in my hand. I hear a car pull up nearby and doors slamming so I thought it was next door. Next thing I know, Natasha was texting me.

Natasha ^_^: whatcha doing?

Me: eating Nutella with a spoon!

Natasha ^_^: woah really?

Me: really. i'm just going to ask Spence in a moment whether he wants something.

Natasha ^_^: kk. you do that. my sister is annoying me now.

Me: ooh. i feel for you. laters.

"Spence!" I yelled. "Do you want any Nutella?"

"No!" He yelled back at me. Goody-two-shoes.

"Ahem!" someone behind me coughed. It was definitely male. "I would like some." I felt rather embarrassed, seeing as I wasn't wearing pyjama pants.

I stiffened and I took the spoon out of my mouth. I placed my phone on the counter and turned around slowly. It took me a while to register his face in my head. When I did register him, my mouth literally dropped.

That's Harry Styles. Harry Styles of One Direction. In the kitchen. Looking at me with a slightly confused look on his face. I felt even more embarrassed about what I was wearing. Then, I started giggling just a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked me with an even more confused look on his face.

"Because you look too innocent to be Harry Styles!" I said through my giggles.

"Gee, thanks!" Harry said sarcastically. "I'll take that as a compliment."

"What are you doing here? If you're looking for Anne, she's not here at the moment," I said.

"This is my house, so I should ask you what you are doing here," Harry said, emphasising the 'you's.

"Yo! I smell food! Where is the food?! " Spencer said loudly as he came into the room. He slowed as soon as he saw Harry. "Oh my god," he said hesitantly.

"Harry, this is Spencer, my brother," I explained. He looked rather confused. I wondered why. "Spence, this is Harry Styles from One Direction, as I'm sure you know."

"Nice to meet you," Spencer said. "What are you doing here?"

"This is actually my house. My mum lives here. Her name is Anne," Harry said. At that, my mouth dropped again. No. That can't be right. Anne is the mother of Harry Styles. Definitely can't be right.

"Anne?" I heard myself saying. "Anne is your mother?" I was so lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah. Why?" Harry asked.

"She adopted us. In Australia," Spencer replied.

"Whoa, wait. You guys are my new brother and sister?" Harry asked.

"Um, yeah. I guess," I said. "My name is Gabrielle, by the way, but uh, everyone normally calls me Gabby or Gab."

"Well then; hello Gabby," Harry said shaking my hand. "Come on, both of you. Mum won't be home for a while, so help me bring some snacks out to the lads."

"Well, I'm sure that we'll be great mates with them," Spencer said enthusiastically.

"Okay then. Let's go. Grab the snacks as well. Men have to eat," Harry said jokingly.

"Ah, ha ha ha. I have to change," I said gesturing at my t-shirt.

"You go do that and we'll go out," Harry said. "Bring those chips when you come out."

"Why can't you bring it out with you now?" I asked desperate to find an answer.

"Because we are already carrying some snacks," Harry explained. "We've got to share the load between us."

"Okay. I'll meet you guys out there," I said, nodding my head hesitantly. Six guys and a girl in a room. I don't particularly like those odds. I was quite nervous.


I hope you like this chapter. It was quite different and difficult to write. It was difficult because I was watching my favourite TV shows and movies.

Next chapter will be from a 1D member's perspective. It's pretty funny the single 1D members are looking for girlfriends think that Gabby is pretty good-looking (probably because they want somebody), but she matches them up with her friends. She will eventually get together with someone that's for sure.

Gabby xx

PS: I got 'Breaking Dawn Part 2' so I can watch it finally again. It is soooo awesome, the fight sequence because it is funny. I was watching it while I was writing and Aro makes me crack up a lot.

Adopted (twice) (1D Fan Fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now