Chapter 16 ~ Dhara

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Chapter 16 ~ Dhara

"Blackmail?" Dylan asked me. "Do you know what she meant?" I sighed and shook my head.

"All she said was that she could finally blackmail the others with photos," I answered, sitting on the seat next to him. "I'll make her show me tomorrow." He chuckled lightly at my comment but it was not that funny.

"You do that," he chuckled, sitting back in his seat and stretching his arms before finally resting them behind his head. "You will probably succeed, being the person you are but she has her ways, remember?" I nodded, yawning slightly.

"I remember well enough," I said, stretching like he was but I returned my hands to my lap. "You look a bit troubled though. Want to talk about it?" I asked. I could see it. Sitting in his eyes was guilt and happiness. It was like he did something wrong but he loved it. "Is this about Gab?" His head snapped up at my words, his eyes lighting up at Gab's name. I swear, this kid is so in love with her. If you even if you mention something simple to do with her, his whole face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"Maybe," he mumbled, smiling to himself. I just stared at him, waiting for him to continue. I know Gab loves him still. She might deny it but the way she blushed when he smiled at her was clear. "I may or may not have kissed Gab at the party last night," he mumbled quickly. Did I hear right?

"You kissed her?" I exclaimed quietly. I didn't want to say it louder because everyone would have heard then but I couldn't risk that. "Did she kiss you back?" I inquired, gaping at him. Spencer can't have known this was going to happen and if he found out, it'd be the end of Dylan.

"She did but-" Dylan hesitated for moment before continuing. "But she was a bit confused at first. When I pulled away, she sort of went off at me and told me I was one of the most important people in her life. She stormed off after that."

"That's so cute," I gushed. He raised an eyebrow at me and I blushed at what I just did. "I meant the- when she told you you were important in her life, not the running away part," I clarified for him. He nodded, his eyes closing for a minute. "I think I might know the blackmail," I said, changing the subject. He opened his eyes and sat up some more.

"Go on," he said, waving a hand for me to continue.

"I know for a fact that Harry was a little drunk last night and he kissed Natasha," I explained in a whisper. "Niall and Katelyn were drunk and when they danced together, they kissed."

"That's all?" he inquired. I nodded, laughing at his face. "What?"

"Your face," I laughed at him. He looked at me like I was a madman -or rather madwoman- and shook his head.

"You're crazy," he said.

"That's why everyone loves me!" I exclaimed quietly. He chuckled, leaning back and resting his head in his hands. I copied him except I closed my eyes.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked nervously. I peeked out of one of my eyes. He had a worried look on his face but his features were softened. This has to be about Gab.

"Sure you can. What are friends for?" I replied, opening my eyes all the way.

"Do you think she still likes me?" he asked, ignoring my little comment, staring at the stars. His expression was worried yet... he looked so in love. I can't believe Gab's oblivious to him.

"Gab?" I inquired, knowing the answer already. As he nodded, I heard a faint strumming in the distance. I looked over to the source and I saw Gab, Steph and Natasha singing at the back of the yard. "I honestly don't know," I answered. "She looks like she does but there are times when she looks guilty. It's like you. You look so in love with her but you are supposed to get over her. You're confused and so is she," I explained.

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