Chapter 8 ~ Spencer

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Chapter 8 ~ Spencer

"I will, but not for me. I'm doing it for her. Is that clear?" I told them.

"Start then!" Louis said a little bit too loudly. "Sorry!" he whispered.

"Okay. We get it," Harry said to me. "So start talking."

"The day that photo was taken," I started, looking away from them, "was the day they all died."

"How?" Zayn asked. I turned to look at them all.

"I think you should sit down, guys. It's going to be a bit long if you guys keep on interrupting. Oh and leave the door open," I said to Liam who had his hand on the door and was pushing it closed. "Closing it might wake Gab up."

I just waited for them to sit down before I began my story. Here goes nothing, I thought to myself.

"Gabby blames herself for the accident. It was a car crash that killed them and we were with them," I said, lifting my shirt up to reveal the scars. They all looked scared and thoroughly concerned about me and Gab. "I woke up in hospital the day after they died and the nurse told me. Gab was in the burn unit so she woke up the next day. She just completely broke down at their funeral. But then, if you felt like she does wouldn't you?" I asked them.

"How does she feel?" Niall asked me.

"Guilty because it was her idea to go to Taronga Zoo," I said.

"Oh! I love that zoo!" Louis exclaimed. We all looked at him with a confused look. "Ahem," he coughed. "Yeah um... I would."

"So the car crash really changed everything in our lives," I said, holding back the tears I knew were coming when I sleep. "When she sung today, that was the first time she sung in a month."

"Does she need music?" Liam asked. "You know to play the songs?"

"No. She plays by ear. Or else she knows it by heart," I explained. "The reason I'm telling you is because I do think that she is ready no matter what she says," I was saying as I turned to the window.

"But you promised," a female voice told me. "You promised me." I knew that it was Gab. Just those words. I turned to face her and as soon as she saw my face she ran away.

"Gab!" I called after her. I watched her run into the kitchen so I did as well, the lads following close behind. "Don't run away, okay?"

"I do not want sympathy, especially from them!" she spat at me. "You think I'm ready? Mentally, sure. Physically and emotionally, no. Okay, I am not something that can be fixed like that. Our sister died right next to me. The last breath she took was right next to me!" she yelled at me.

"I kno-" I started to say quietly before she cut me off.

"Oh! You know, do you? You are not the only one who knows, okay! I'm pretty sure that the men here know all about my feelings now, do they?" she continued ranting. "Well then, bravo to them but I don't want sympathy from them. So it seems like I'll drive myself to the airport then?" she asked us, looking at me like she was trying to stop herself from hurting me.

"Uh... Louis will drive you. Won't you Louis?" Liam said.

"Um... yeah, I guess," Louis said hesitantly.

"Good," she practically spat at us. "Thank you, Lou," she said very sweetly to Louis, while storming out of the room with a spoon and Nutella in her hands.

All the lads went back to whatever they were doing before all this but Zayn came up to me saying, "What is the matter with her?"

"Honestly, I don't know." I replied.


I know it's lame but it is really hard to write from a brotherly perspective. Next one is when friends come in and... intervene basically. I know this chapter is short compared to my other chapters but I am under some pressure. Don't you just love work? *Note sarcasm*

Have a nice day or night or something.

Gabby xx ^_^

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