Chapter 2 ~ Harry

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Now this is set about 1 month after the last chapter. Anne has legally adopted Gabby and Spencer, and has brought them back to Holmes Chapel, Cheshire. Harry and the lads are returning after touring in Australia and going to Ireland to tour over there and visit Niall's family. So this starts on a plane (obvious when you read it) with Harry talking to his mum (again obvious when you read it). Enjoy.


Chapter 2 ~ Harry

"You'll love them both. They are the nicest kids you'll meet, Harry. They're from Australia," Mum said.

"From the Outback, huh? I'm sure I'll like them then," I said. "I've got to go now, Mum, but I'll see when we get to Holmes Chapel."

"Okay then. Bye for now," Mum replied excitedly. "I promise that you will love them." I pressed end call and looked back up. The lads are looking at me with curious expressions.

"I've got a new brother and sister from Australia. They are orphans. They won't actually say how they became orphans. It's 'personal reasons' apparently," I explained, putting quotation marks around 'personal reasons'. "Turns out, the girl actually bumped into my mum and knocked her over."

"Was your mum hurt? Is she okay now?" Liam asked. Always the considerate one, I thought.

"No, she's not. I was just talking to her and she's in hospital in Australia in the ICU," I said sarcastically.

"What?! Oh no! Do you want me to hurt the troublesome pair of criminals. Justice shall be served! SUPERMAN!!" Louis yelled.

"Geez, Lou! Calm down," Zayn groaned. "You yelled right in my ear. Now it hurts."

"Sorry," Louis replied apologetically.

Mum got back from Australia a month ago. A week before she left, she adopted some twins, a boy and a girl. Apparently they don't look anything alike. She's only told them about me briefly but they're looking forward to meeting me. They've already met Gemma quite briefly but she'll be coming back.

"How old are they?" Niall asked, interrupting my thoughts.

"According to Mum, they are seventeen. They only just finished Year Twelve. They turn eighteen on the 14th of April," I said.

"So in a few weeks?" Liam asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Some of the girls friends are going to go to Oxford University with her. You know, for support."

"Mental support? Emotional support? Physical support?" Zayn asked with a quizzical look on his face.

"Are you saying she's gay?" Liam asked.

"Maybe. I don't know anything about her." Zayn said.

"I honestly don't know why they are coming with her. They are finishing their Year Twelve work and um... their... um... HSC," I replied.

"HSC?" Louis asked.

"Higher School Certificate," Liam said. Such a smarty-pants, I thought.

"Smarty-pants," Niall muttered to himself. "Let's get some sleep before we land eh?" he said rather loudly.

"Yeah, yeah," we all muttered. I sat there for a while, just thinking how they would react to the fact their brand new brother is, in fact, Harry Styles of One Direction. Oh, the girl might flip. I just laid my head on the wall next to me and drifted off to sleep.


"How do you think they would react when they see us?" Liam asked me.

"I honestly don't know," I replied. "I'm actually quite nervous about meeting them. Oh, and Mum said to go straight out to the back room as soon as you get there," I added.

"Why?" Louis asked.

"I don't know. Her words not mine," I replied.

We had just got off the plane to meet thousands of screaming girls trying to get a good look of us but we were far too tired to sign anything. The security guards were pushing us all towards the car anyway so the fans understood. All we wanted to do was get to my mum's house. We were in the car and Louis had just finished texting Eleanor and Zayn was still texting Perrie.

Home at last. It felt good to be there, even if it did take us a tiny bit longer as Niall asked to stop at Nando's on the way home.

"Okay. Take the Nando's out back and I'll get some more food and bring it out," I said. "Then I will tell mum that we are here already and she will introduce me to the twins. I might even bring them out back to you guys to introduce them."

"That'll be cool," Liam said enthusiastically. At least he's been more and more happy ever since he was miserable after Danielle broke up with him.

"Cool," I said. "Oh, and leave me some food, Niall!" I yelled after them.

"Yeah! Assume the worst of me!" he yelled back at me.

I laughed as I opened the front door and someone definitely was inside as I heard someone in the kitchen. Nice deodorant. No, wait, that's perfume. Well, it can't be Mum. She's not back for another hour. So who is it?

I walked quietly into the kitchen where a girl was standing near the fridge, leaning on the counter, purple underpants showing just a bit because she wasn't wearing any pyjama pants. Just a big shirt. Maybe this could be the boy's girlfriend. If she is, he's done alright for himself. She had her hair out and it was short. It was soft brown with little tints of red. There were scars on the side of her face I could see. She had long arms and legs and, by the looks of it, very skinny. A perfect girl in my eyes.

Damn! I thought. She's pretty hot. Too bad she's with the boy; I would have started hitting on her otherwise.

She had a spoon in her mouth, a jar of Nutella, that was open, was near her and her phone in her hand. She seemed to be writing something. Her phoned dinged as a message -that was apparently funny, due to the amused expression on her face- came. It also seemed that she hadn't registered my presence yet. I wondered whether she knew me, whether she was a fan.

"Spence!" she yelled. Wow! What a voice. It was quite musical, with a slight accent. What type of accent though? I thought. "Do you want any Nutella?"

"No!" a boy yelled. He had an Australian accent around him.

"Ahem!" I coughed. "I would like some."

She suddenly stiffened, took the spoon out of her mouth and turned around slowly. Then I could see her whole face. Scars along the sides of her face and around her neck Her lips were a perfect shape, and I was sure that anyone would be lucky enough to kiss them. Her mouth dropped in surprise. Yep, I thought, she knows me.


That was nice wasn't it? Next chapter is going to be Gabby's view again and I will probably do everyone in 1D, maybe quite a few chapters in Spencer's view. I might even do couple of short chapters to do with Steph's and Natasha's point of view.

This story will mainly be through Gabby and Spencer's eyes because it's them dealing with life after the car accident and their surprises.

Please don't hate me if this book is short. It is my first book so if the writing is bad, please do tell me.

Anyways, laters!

Lena xx

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