Chapter 10 ~ Zayn

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Chapter 10 ~ Zayn

They must have left very early because when I woke up, there was a girl on the lounge, snoring lightly and two boys lying on the floor, snoring their heads off. I heard some coughing coming from the kitchen and I decided to investigate. When I walked in there, a girl around Gab's age, wearing what seemed to be her pyjamas and her light brown, blond hair was in a messy bun, sitting at the kitchen bench, drinking some tea. Next to her, there was a guitar with a lot of photos on there. I decided to scare her so I went over to the toaster that was behind her and popped it.

"Fudge cakes!" she screamed, jumping 10 feet into the air (not literally). I started to laugh so loudly that the girl actually slapped me blindly and hit my eye so hard, she nearly knocked me out.

"Whoa! Far out!" I was practically yelling, as I was holding my eye. By the sound of it, she gasped and then I heard her open the fridge door. The next thing I know, a cold hand took my hand that was holding my eye and something really cold was placed on it.

"Oh my gosh! Are you all right?" I heard her saying. "Can you open your eye?" Well at least she sounded genuinely concerned about me but it also sounded like she hadn't recognised me yet. I tied to open my eye and keep it open. "Open your eye!" she yelled at me.

"You don't think I'm trying?" I yelled back at her.

"No! Not really!" she replied back. Oh, I felt like I had been insulted. When I finally opened my eye, I got a good look at her face. She was one of the faces I saw on the guitar next to her.

"Okay! What's your name?" she asked me.

"Zayn Malik," I said in reply. I saw her mouth drop.

"Of One Direction?" she asked me excitedly.

"Yeah," I said. "What's your name?" I asked her.

"Stephanie but everyone calls me Steph," she told me.

"Well then, hello Steph," I said, bowing to her. I heard her start to giggle. "What are you doing up at this unearthly hour?" I asked.

"I couldn't sleep well enough," Steph told me. "You know, jet lag." While she said this, I nodded because I know what that feels like. "So I made myself a cup of tea and just started to play," she said gesturing to her guitar.

"Anything in particular?" I asked her, very interested.

"Nah, I play random songs I know," she said.

"Nice pictures." She looked very confused so I gestured to her guitar. She nodded, while yawning. "Can I see?"

"You can but just don't drop it or anything. I need some sleep," she said in a very serious voice, getting up and heading to the lounge room.

"I promise. Scout's honour," I said. She just nodded.

Some of the pictures were silly, some were serious, some were happy, some were selfies and some of people kissing. There were a few photos that caught my attention. There was Gabby, Spencer, the two boys sleeping on the floor, Steph and the other girl were in basically all the photos. There were another four girls in quite a few of the photos. Not in all of them like the rest of them.

One particular photo caught my eye. It was of Gabby, Spencer, the two boys, the other girl and Steph. But the part that caught my eye was that one of the boys that was on the floor was kissing Gabby's cheek, rather passionately. She looked very happy to be in his arms. She was smiling like she meant it. It was one of the more happy photos. The scars weren't there and they all looked so much more younger than what they do now so this is a rather old photo.

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