Chapter 6 ~ Liam

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Chapter 6 ~ Liam

As Gabby walked out of the bathroom, I decided it was time for the lads and I to go as well. I placed the umbrella down where I got it. Near Hazza's mum's room were she was sleeping, apparently. I immediately walked over to Gabby's room to ask her whether she needed me to drive her to the airport.  As I approached her room, I heard a piano playing smoothly and after a while a girl singing. So beautifully.

The day we met
Frozen, I held my breath,
Right from the start,
I knew that I found a home for my heart
Beats fast,
Colours and promises,
How to be brave,
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
Watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer.

I have died everyday waiting for you.
Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you
For a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more.

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is.
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me.
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this.

One step closer.

She sounded so beautiful and I could see why Harry and Niall fancied her. Yes I could tell they fancied her, even though she reminded me of a younger version of Niall's mum. I think I'm falling for her now. Her voice is magical and she is definitely very pretty.

I'll love you for a thousand more.

She was singing with a story. A story of... what? A small piano part was playing very smoothly and strong. I was just losing myself in her voice until Louis and Niall brought me back.

One step closer.

All the lads had joined me at this time, just listening to her sing.

I have died everyday waiting for you.
Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you
For a thousand years. I love you for a thousand more.

As the song became stronger, Gabby got louder.

And all along I believed I would find you.
Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you
For a thousand years. I love you for a thousand more.

She finished with a soft little piano flourish. Words just can't describe what I just heard.

I decided to walk in very quietly and as I opened Gabby's door very softly, all the lads scattered. Good, now I'll have a private conversation with her, I thought. As I walked in, she was sitting at a piano with no music in front of her and her head in her hands. I walked up to her very quietly and took her hands in mine. Wow, her hands were cold. I decided to warm them up by rubbing my hands against hers as she looked right into my eyes. Her eyes staring into my soul.

"That was beautiful, what you sung," I said to her softly. Her eyes were boring right into my soul.

"No, it's not. I really suck when it comes to singing," she said with small tears forming in her eyes.

"How many people have actually said that to you?" I asked rather gently. She looked away from my eyes and I missed them. Oh God! Now I'm falling for her fast. I'm in too deep.

Abort mission, Liam! Abort! Abort!

"None," her tiny little voice said, calling me back to reality. "None actually," she said to me, avoiding my gaze.

I grabbed her chin softly and made her look at me. I tried my best to read her face but she was locking me out but reading my face so easily, I could tell.

"Well, how many people have told you that you're good or great or fantastic?" I asked her, trying to look concerned so she couldn't read my face.

"I don't really remember. I haven't actually sung for a while," she said to me. "I haven't sung sin-" She stopped so suddenly and just as suddenly, she burst to tears and I couldn't do anything but just hold her. All I wanted to do was just kiss her and tell her she was perfect but I didn't know what she was so upset about.

"Since what?" I asked her. She was shaking so badly that she fell into my lap. She looked at me as if to say 'You've gone too far' as she got off my lap.

"Get out," she said softly. "Get out!" she yelled at me, picking me up and pushing me out of the room and slamming the door in my face. All the boys were looking at me confused and behind me, the door locked and a sob came from the room. So Gab locked the door and is crying now. What did I do? I thought to myself.

I heard Spencer thundering down the hallway behind me. Suddenly, music started blaring from Gab's room. It took me a bit of time to realise what song was playing. Loved You First by me and the lads (from Take Me Home album, if you didn't know).

"What happened?" Spencer nearly yelled at me, trying to be louder than the music. I made a gesture to go to the kitchen. All the lads and Spencer nodded and the music was stopping and, when we got to the kitchen, the music was gone. "Well, what happened?" Spencer asked me and everyone was looking at me expectantly for an answer.


Sorry if it is long but that's only the song. That song is in 'Breaking Dawn'. If you do not know the song, type A Thousand Years by Christina Perri into YouTube. Also Loved You First by One Direction because all their Take Me Home songs are so fantastic.

As my friend and I say all the time: LIVE YOUNG!!!!!

Lena x

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